Dealer Lead Track Provides Auto Dealerships Real Time Advertising Data Allowing Management to Confidently Cancel Ineffective Ad Sources Saving Thousands of Dollars in Wasted Ad Spending

Dealer Lead Track utilizes advertising information entered by sales staff determining exactly which ad sources are producing sales and which ad sources need to be eliminated saving thousands of dollars per month in wasted ad spending.

Dealer Lead Track's easy to use, stand alone web based lead management system guides sales staff to capture which ad source is producing each lead in a drop down menu asking "where the customer saw the vehicle advertised." This advertiser drop down list is maintained by management so sales staff selects from current advertisers.

Along with keeping advertising drop down lists accurate, the total monthly ad budget is entered by management for each ad source. With this information Dealer Lead Track's advertising report computes exact figures on how much ad spending each lead and sale is costing dealerships to generate along with conversion ratios for all ad sources.

Monitor Dealer Lead Track's advertising report daily, weekly, or monthly to gauge the effectiveness of each ad source and quickly shift advertising dollars away from sources that aren't producing sales. Ad sources that just produce leads are ineffective. Ad sources must produce sales or ad money is being wasted every month.

Can you currently verify which ad sources are producing your sales?

Dealer Lead Track provides factual real time advertising data so dealerships can cancel advertisers that are not producing sales with confidence.


Tags: advertise less, auto dealership, best crm, CRM, crm software, dealer crm, dealer lead track, dealerleadtrack,, hosted crm, lead management, new car dealers, No software to buy, sell more cars, used car dealers, web-based

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Mark Brandt
Press Contact, Dealer Lead Track
Dealer Lead Track
633 Cobb Parkway North
Marietta, GA 30062
United States