Dear Participants of the #Datarius Project

On the basis of numerous consultations, the recommendations received from respected project Advisers, and as a result of in-depth study of its model, Datarius has adopted a number of amendments related to both the distribution of its tokens and its ITO structure. 

In particular:
 - The nominal value of the token has been changed and is now equivalent to $ 0.01. All the participants of the previous rounds will automatically receive a difference in the near future (before the start of the main round).

 - The structure of the tokens’ distribution has been slightly changed and today it is as follows: 

  • Bounty - 2 percent;
  • Partners - 5 percent; 
  • Team - 5 percent; 
  • Reserve Fund - 15 percent.

-The number of tokens available to participants remains the same - 73 percent. 

-The structure of the main round of ITO has been changed as follows: 

  • 30 percent - 0-6 hours; 
  • 25 percent - 6-12 hours; 
  • 20 percent - 12-24 hours; 
  • 15 percent - 24-48 hours; 
  • 10 percent - 48h (HOURS) -15d (DAYS) 
  • 0 percent 15d + -.

-The level of HardCap has also been amended. We have taken a clear decision to reduce it to $51,000,000.

In the near future, these amendments will be recorded in all the main project’s documents. We are continuously working on optimizing and improving the model. Thank you for your interest in our project, your support and participation. Together we will undoubtedly achieve our goals.

Each of you is important! Join our Telegram channel: so as to not miss the announcement of the main round date scheduled for the beginning of March 2018!

- Datarius Team

Source: Datarius Cryptobank


Tags: blockchain, cryptobank, cryptocurency, Datarius, finance, ico, news, newswire

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Datarius is the bank of the future, it is based on the technology of blockchain.