Debt Free Bankruptcy Attorney Announces To Continue Expansion Of Bankruptcy Website announces expansion of bankruptcy website. For expansion for website there will be expansion of FAQ section on site which is very popular & helpful to get all bankruptcy related information to visitors. Bankruptcy News

Orange County, California -
DebtFreeBankruptcyAttorney.Com a leader in online bankruptcy attorney referrals has announced it will continue to expand their bankruptcy website to offer more information for their visitors.

DebtFreeBankruptcyAttorney.Com is currently expanding the frequently asked questions area of the website that has become very popular and regularly visited by thousands. The company feels the more good information an individual struggling with their finances has regarding filing bankruptcy, the easier the individual will be able to make an educated decision on whether or not to file for bankruptcy. The expanded FAQ section will cover Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, along with a general bankruptcy question area. Recently also added to the website is a news and update area that has recent articles pertaining to bankruptcy. This adds a new twist, allowing people to get bankruptcy filing news nationwide. This edition lets people know they are not alone when facing bankruptcy.

DebtFreeBankruptcyAttorney.Com continuously monitors updates and news regarding bankruptcy. So far in 2011, the numbers of those filing for bankruptcy continued to stay flat. In 2010, the United States had a record year of over 1.5 million individuals filing bankruptcy. Many experts believed that 2011 would be another record year but as the year has progressed it's coming up short. Many bankruptcy attorneys are confused with the down number and those filing for bankruptcy when the economy continues to stay in the doldrums. Over the last year DebtFreeBankruptcyAttorney.Com has been watching the numbers closely and preparing for another increase of bankruptcy filings in 2012.

Recently, a study by was released alerting the public that the credit card debt held by US debtors had increased by $18.4 billion during the second quarter of 2011. This is an increase of 66% compared to the same quarter in 2010 and a 368% rise over the same quarter in 2009. These numbers are frightening when added to nationwide unemployment of 9.2%. Also in the study, it was reported that the number of consumers using credit counseling for their debt is continuing to drop. It's becoming very alarming to many experts as the amount of credit card debt continues to rise, while the amount of individuals looking for help to get out of debt continues to go down. Many legal professionals as well as DebtFreeBankruptcyAttorney.Com will continue to monitor these problematic trends.


Tags: automatic stay, bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Attorney, debt free, filing bankruptcy

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Bob Jones
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Debt Free Bankruptcy Attorney
7071 Warner Ave F92,Huntington Beach CA
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
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