DebtCC Wiki Contributors Have Published More Than 150 Articles

The Debt Consolidation Care Community (DebtCC) has published more than 150 articles till date. The Wiki contributors have published around 150 articles on different financial topics in the last few months. The community has also improved the look and

The DebtCC Wiki contributors have written and published nearly 150 articles on various financial topics - debt, credit, mortgage, insurance, personal finance etc. Encouraged by the Wiki Contributors active participation, the community has introduced an entirely separate category called "legal issues". This means that Wiki contributors can write law related articles from now onwards.

The community has redesigned the look of the Wiki section. The community has given a new look to the different categories of the section altogether. The community has improved the article uploading process for the benefit of Wiki contributors. Now, they can upload and format their articles easily.

The profile page of the Wiki Contributors has been made more interesting through add-on features. Here the Wiki contributors/members get a list of the articles written by them. The members can get a clear idea about the number of points they have earned from the community. They can also know about the number of viewers who have glanced through their articles.

Apart from that, the Wiki Contributors can talk with the fellow members. Previously, they could only edit the articles of the fellow members. But now, they can even chat with the fellow community members through instant messages. This will help the community members to build new relationship with each other.

The DebtCC Wiki is a platform for the writers and community experts to share their knowledge through articles. The financial writers get a chance to satisfy their creative urge by writing and publishing articles for DebtCC Wiki.

An interesting feature of DebtCC Wiki is that the writers get an opportunity to bring more than 235,000 people to their blogs. The writers can insert an external link in the articles and bring new traffics for their websites.

Another striking feature of DebtCC Wiki is that readers get a golden chance to enhance their financial knowledge. The readers/viewers can read articles on current financial topics and be financially updated. The knowledge gained from the articles will help them to lead a healthy financial life and avoid committing costly mistakes.

The best part of DebtCC Wiki is that members can edit the articles written by others. This means that members can edit the featured articles and improve them. The members can edit and modify the articles as per their wish. But everyone will be able to know about the recent changes made to the articles instantly. The Community has introduced this feature as to forestall any attempt of foul play.

The readers, interested to write, edit, and share articles with millions of people through DebtCC Wiki, need to become a Wiki contributor. They can go through the "About" and "FAQ" pages to know why and how to write articles for DebtCC Wiki.

Till now, the Community has received encouraging response on DebtCC Wki section. A DebtCC Wiki contributor, Marie Garcia says, "I like the new look of DebtCC Wiki. The article uploading process has become much easier. It just takes a few minutes to publish articles now." Other members have also given some useful suggestions to make the section more informative and helpful. The Community is going through the suggestions and planning to implement them. Hopefully, it will make DebtCC Wiki section more enriched and helpful for the writers and readers.


Tags: DebtCC Wiki contributor, Wiki contributor, write and publish articles

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Ryan Smith
Press Contact, Debt Consolidation Care
Debt Consolidation Care
711 S. Carson St. Suite 4, Carson City, Nevada,
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