Deep Freeze 8.5 Version Launched to Restore Windows 10 With Single Reboot

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, December 7, 2017 ( - Faronics, a global leader in managing and simplifying multi-user computer environments, announced the release of Deep Freeze Enterprise 8.5. This latest version comes with multiple additional features and enhancements to help system administrators effectively protect and restore Windows 10 computers.
Deep Freeze is the flagship product of Faronics, which is widely used by organizations to preserve and protect system configurations. This Reboot to Restore solution is consistent, easy to use and provides 100 percent workstation availability with each reboot. By making endpoints virtually indestructible, Deep Freeze enhances system performance and life cycle, and significantly reduces IT support costs. In its constant attempt to provide quality service to Windows users, Faronics launched Deep Freeze Enterprise version 8.30 to extend support of this instant system restore solution to Windows 10 operating systems. This previous Deep Freeze version allowed system administrators to restore Windows 10-based workstations to a pristine state and leverage various other customizable configuration and deployment options.
To better address the ever-evolving needs of diverse IT environments, we have added several new features and enhancements in Deep Freeze Enterprise 8.5, to make the job of restoring Windows 10 computers easier and hassle-free. As a result, system administrators are able to monitor applications on systems running Windows 10 OS with better efficiency.
The newly added system restore features for Windows 10 ensures that enterprises already holding Deep Freeze licenses are able to incorporate Microsoft’s latest OS offerings into their environment while harnessing multiple new benefits of the latest version. The key benefits of the new version include the following:
- Ability to add or delete ThawSpaces on the fly: The earlier versions of Deep freeze did not allow the addition of ThawSpaces unless the software was re-installed. Deep Freeze 8.5 eliminates the need of Deep Freeze re-installation, providing system administrators with the ability to configure ThawSpaces at any time, which are added on the next Thawed Restart.
- Idle Task Enhancement: Customers have raised requests for a function that would shut down an idle Windows 10 computer without having to wait for the first mouse/keyboard activity. Otherwise, it may so happen that a computer remains active the entire day. The latest version allows users to choose whether to restart/shutdown a workstation in its idle state and specify a time period for it. Not only that, this new offering also allows system administrators to initiate the countdown of the chosen actions only after the first keyboard/mouse activity.
- Addition of Combination Scheduler Task: System administrators prefer to chain particular scheduled tasks like ‘Wake-On-LAN’, ‘Send Message’, ‘Run Windows Update’ and, perform ‘Shutdown’ activity. Keeping their convenience in mind, we have added a new combination task, in which administrators can create a single Scheduler task and chain up to five tasks together. It eliminates the need to change multiple tasks during an unexpected event.
- Upgrade Notification Alert: Administrators managing Windows 10 computers would also receive upgrade notifications in their console whenever a new version of Deep Freeze is available. Users can go through the release notes and automatically upgrade their console by downloading the latest installer.
See the release notes for a full list of new features available in this latest Deep Freeze upgrade to restore Windows 10 at
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Source: Faronics
Tags: Reboot Restore, Reboot to Restore, Restore Software, Restore Windows 10, System Restore, Windows, Windows 10, Windows Restore, Windows System Restore