Deliciously Diverse: Malaysia With Gina Keatley as Supporting Exhibitor of Healthy Kitchens, Healthy Lives

Deliciously Diverse: Malaysia with Gina Keatley, an innovative series highlighting nutrient diversity through culinary exploration, today announced it will be a supporting exhibitor of the Healthy Kitchens, Healthy Lives® 2016 conference presented by Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health - Department of Nutrition and The Culinary Institute of America of America. The conference will be held February 25-28, 2016 at The Culinary Institute of America at Greystone in Napa Valley, California.

​Deliciously Diverse: Malaysia will introduce conference participants to television segments designed to help attendees and their patients to “Be Fearless, Be Full”. For a sneak preview of Deliciously Diverse: Malaysia with Gina Keatley, visit

In this new series, Gina Keatley has an appetite for culinary exploration. She is high energy, bold and intrepid as she travels Malaysia on her voyage to discover the cities, villages and people that provide some of the healthiest ingredients on earth. 

"I'm thrilled to have strong support from Malaysian External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) and Tourism Malaysia to introduce America to this vibrant, diverse and healthy cuisine.

Gina Keatley, CDN

“I’m thrilled to have strong support from Malaysian External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) and Tourism Malaysia to introduce America to this vibrant, diverse and healthy cuisine,” explains Gina Keatley, CDN.

Healthy Kitchens, Healthy Lives: Caring for our Patients and Ourselves is a national leadership conference that runs in February of each year and reaches an audience of approximately 400 physicians, registered dietitians, nurses, and other senior-level healthcare professionals; hospital, insurance, and other healthcare executives; healthcare foodservice directors and executive chefs, as well as consumer, professional, and trade media.

Physicians, registered dietitian nutritionists, economists, and politicians are warning that the recent increases in obesity and diabetes are creating extraordinary public health challenges nationally and globally. According to a recent Institute of Medicine report: “The great advances of genetics and biomedical discoveries could be more than offset by the burden of illness, disability, and death caused by too many people eating too much and moving too little over their lifetime.”

In this conference, faculty members from Harvard Medical School and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health along with nutrition researchers from other prestigious institutions present the state of the science of diet and nutrition. These experts are joined by world-class culinary and nutrition educators from The Culinary Institute of America to lead demonstrations and hands-on teaching sessions—in the kitchen—for healthcare providers who want to learn about selection, purchase, and preparation strategies and techniques for healthy foods and healthy cooking. Conference attendees will not only be exposed to the latest systematic reviews of nutrition science, but they will also taste, prepare, and learn to teach others to enjoy a broad selection of foods and beverage that can reduce disease risk and, ideally, replace unhealthy habits.

Additional Information:

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Tags: diversity, food, Gina Keatley, Harvard Univeristy, healthy, Malaysia, nutrition, travel

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