Demand and prices will grow for oil, natural gas, coal, steel, cooper, aluminum and gold
Online, July 26, 2010 (
World's economy: Demand and prices will grow for oil, natural gas, coal, steel, cooper, aluminum, gold, silver, iron ore, uranium, chrome ore and other metals. Albanian Minerals president Sahit Muja said.
"World need to spend $12 trillion, 20 % GDP in Infrastructure and energy sector to support growth of population and economy. China is planing to spend $5 trillion in infrastructure and energy projects in five years.
Sahit Muja said "China: With 1.3 billion people, the People's Republic of China may spend about 5 trillion yuan $738 billion in the next decade developing cleaner sources of energy to reduce emissions from burning coal oil and natural gas.
China have more than $2 trillion in foreign exchange reserves and China's government has directed its state firms to invest in natural resources in oil, natural gas, and minerals the globe for opportunities.
China's investments are booming in Brazil, Africa, Australia, Canada, Iran, Iraq, Russia, Afghanistan, Sudan and Albania . Chinese companies are everywhere in the Globe investing.China's government to spend $450 billion on railway construction . China will spend more than $400 billion on infrastructure by the end of 2010, and lots of that will go to building rail lines, including a $17.6 billion passenger rail line across the deserts of northwest China, a $22 billion web of freight rail lines in the Shanxi province and a $24 billion high-speed passenger rail line from Beijing to Guangzhou".
Mr Muja said "India needs to double its infrastructure spending to $1 trillion in the five years to achieve 10% annual growth rates.
The country needs to upgrade its infrastructure to support growth of population and economy. Indian economy is expected to accelerate to 10% by 2011-2015.
India plans to spend $514 billion in the five years".
Sahit Muja said" Brazil needs to spend $500 billion on infrastructure projects over the next five years to support growth of population and economy. Big infrastructure projects are underway in clean Energy in The US, EU and Japan.
Albanian Minerals is investing in iron ore, chrome ore, gold, oil, natural gas, copper and metals. Demand and prices will definitely grow for natural resources".
Tags: gas. gold, investing, metals, oil