Dental Implants Give Vietnam Veteran New Lease on Life

"I had just about given up hope that I would ever eat fresh fruit or vegetables again," continues Richard, "but then I heard about dental implants and the work the doctors at PermaDontics were doing."

Last year, Vietnam Veteran, Richard White was struggling with a lifetime of dental issues spanning back to his time in the service. "I went to the dentist with a bad tooth when I was in the Army and they ended up pulling it," says White. "That was the beginning of my tooth loss." Thirty-five years later, Richard was struggling with poorly fitting upper and lower dentures. He had experienced an almost complete loss of his teeth. He was unable to eat the foods he loved, including steak and corn-on-the-cob. As a result of his nutritional limitations, his overall health was affected.

"I had just about given up hope that I would ever eat fresh fruit or vegetables again," continues Richard, "but then I heard about dental implants and the work the doctors at PermaDontics were doing."

"We were able to fit Richard with a completely new set of teeth, using our 'Same Day Teeth' dental implant process," said Dr. Joel Berger, Oral Surgeon and co-founder of PermaDontics. "Dental implants provide a strong foundation for a new set of teeth. Because the dental implants are secured to the jaw, the new teeth look and feel like real teeth."

In the year that has passed since his 'Same Day Teeth' dental implant procedure, Richard is back to his old self. "I haven't felt this good in years," said Richard. "If you are wondering whether or not it is worth it, I encourage you to go to PermaDontics and see for yourself the amazing dental implant work they do there. They feel just like my old teeth and they're permanent...that's why they call it PermaDontics!"

To see more of Richard's Same Day Teeth dental implant story, please go to:

Richard's Dental Implant Video
Richard's Dental Implant Testimonial Videos

To hear other PermaDontics patients talk about their Same Day Teeth dental implant procedure, please go to:

More Dental Implant Patient Testimonials


Tags: Dental Implant Centaers, dental implant procedure, Dental implants, Dental Implants San Diego, San Diego Dental Implants

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