Denver Area Community Health Classes Offered in April

COAW, the Consortium for Older Adult Wellness, is offering a series of community programs that begin in April. All are open to the community. Register at COAW at 303-984-1845 or online at

LakewoodN’Balance—Mondays from 1:30-2:30 p.m. April 11-May 25 at the Carmody Recreation Center, 2200 S. Kipling St., Lakewood, CO. This high quality and effective falls prevention class helps participants strengthen their core balance and overcome the fear of falling. Cost is $65 for Lakewood residents and $79 for non-residents. For more information, contact Sharon Lubieniecki at 720-963-5362 or email [email protected].

GreeleyHealthier Living Colorado-Diabetes™—Tuesdays from 9-11:30 a.m. April 12-May 17 at the Greeley Medical Center, 1900 16th Ave., Greeley, CO. This free class is designed for people living with diabetes and their caregivers. For more information, contact Whitney Janzen-Pankratz at 970-346-6950 ext. 6117 or [email protected]

GoldenHealthier Living Colorado™—Wednesdays from 1:30-4 p.m. April 13-May 18 at the St. Anthony’s Golden Neighborhood Health Center, 750 Warner Drive, Golden, CO. This free program helps people deal with the challenges of living with an ongoing health condition such as heart disease, a lung condition, diabetes or arthritis. For more information, contact Maripat Gallas at 303-984-1845 or email [email protected].

BoulderChronic Pain Self-Management—Mondays from 1:30-4 p.m. April 18-May 23 at the East Boulder Senior Center, 6550 Sioux Drive, Boulder, CO. This free program helps people deal with the challenges of living with chronic pain. Classes are highly participative, where mutual support and success build the participants’ confidence in their ability to manage their health and maintain active and fulfilling lives.


Tags: community classes, evidence-based classes, health management, older adult wellness, trainings