Derivative Trading Systems Performs Assessments On ExPDA Solution's Scalability

Derivative Trading Systems test used ExPDA on spreadsheets that consist of numerous cells that are configured to obtain real-time and static data. Proudly, DTS affirms that all the results in the examinations have been successful.

Derivative Trading Systems test used ExPDA on spreadsheets that consist of numerous cells that are configured to obtain real-time and static data. Proudly, DTS affirms that all the results in the examinations have been successful.

Although there have been signs of dependency on processor's rapidity, DTS conveying data between centers depends on network swiftness and interconnection bandwidth.

The tests demonstrated that in every sheet configured for ExPDA, the only observable delay is the instance the sheet is opened for the first time and there have been several cases that no delays transpired at all. Most of the documented delays are on the prelude updating of the sheets that have numerous cells configured to obtain data.

Presently, applications such as ExPDA are obtaining a good reputation to establishments that would like to share data among their staffs, clients as well as other establishments. In a dealing room environment, traders consider it vital to view the real-time prices that other traders are quoting in order to understand the costs of their hedges. By being endowed with access to the actual price that is being measured by the spreadsheet, traders can recognize the costs in real-time and not have to assess every trade to other traders for a renewal of the hedge price.

It is crucial to recognize the limits that are accessible for transacting with a precise counterparty when quoting prices to the market. The limits are usually organized and coordinated by a division that resides outside the dealing room. Instead of referring to the limit coordinators of every trade, traders who are authorized to enter the existing limit in real-time indicates that all transactions can be realized with lowest supervision and impediment.

Derivative Trading Systems have done numerous alpha and beta tests and assessments on ExPDA's infrastructure and until now they all proved successful in lowering latency.


Tags: low latency data distribution, market data, real-time data

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Press Contact, Derivative Trading Systems
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