Derivative Trading Systems Releases Its New Webpage

Derivative Trading Systems finally completes its new webpage after 8 months of development. The new web page offers a more detailed explanation of its suite of Horizon products.

Derivative Trading Systems finally completes its new webpage after 8 months of development. The new web page offers a more detailed explanation of its suite of Horizon products. In addition, it will provide updates on the development of its every product and service.

The site will not only tackle news on its products and services alone but also on events and accomplishments made by the company.

The new site also contains FAQs and client testimonials. DTS felt that by gathering and posting the comments of current clients that it will enhance the confidence of interested visitors. The FAQs section contains the answers on clients' commonly asked questions. A customer service is on standby in case any of the visitors' questions is not on the list.

The web services (SOAP) architecture package is further explained in the new site. SOAP is responsible for the DTS's quick distribution of historical data and analytics to users by way of the internet without the need for users to install any software.

Included in the site are details of DTS's Java based charting solutions. The site shares how its real-time data transfer solutions can offer an extensive infrastructure that can operate with all real-time and historical data collection as well as effectively dispense them across many establishments.

Users can further learn how DTS empowers Excel to provide effortless real-time data subscription and publication. It explains how clients can use their own value added data in real-time and how they can allow selected users and clients to view this data.

The information provided in the site not only aims to enhance interest of present client base of dealers, treasures, quants and analysts but also IT development specialists with DTS's risk management tools and products.

The marketing drive of the company sends a message about DTS's product range being built to provide advanced solutions in a cost effective way.


Tags: historical data, real-time data, risk management tool

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Steve Bagley
Press Contact, Derivative Trading Systems
Derivative Trading Systems
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