Desperate seek for abstract life

Natural philosophy, a division of metaphysics, has gained the status of science, as it provides pragmatic explanations,

Natural philosophy, a division of metaphysics, has gained the status of science, as it provides pragmatic explanations, which are related to the laws in physics and also bring experimental facts, regarding the nature. Science consists of the subject matter that is well defined with phenomenological laws, while fields like spirituality, consciousness, philosophy, perception, experience comes under metaphysics, as all these are too indefinite and cannot be easily measured and calculated under any scientific formula.

Accordingly, the fields related to metaphysics are generally beyond the material or physical world. Abstract sciences also try to contribute on the issues like the human evolution; the abstract cosmos, to clear the mind blocks; how to move towards the higher form of life, with the concrete evidences and guidelines.

The number of people seeking the true knowledge on philosophy of life, spirituality, consciousness and metaphysics has increased and all these subjects keep progressing with their unique concepts. Philosophy is now treated as science, as it consists of strong quest for ultimate truth. Thoughts on Philosophy and spiritual life are undergoing massive change, that these thoughts help the people to achieve and accomplish their goals and aims, in their life. This era has made people to inqure and to check the theories of these abstract sciences, in the real external world. Certainly, the latest thoughts do make an immense difference in life.

The new wave in the field of Philosophy, spirituality, metaphysics and consciousness, has made the people to think of the ways to put all the theoretical explanations into practical life and to live the life truly and fruitfully. Hopefully, the application of the concepts present in these subjects tends to bring more bliss and enjoyment in day to day life.

The explanations on spiritual journey, which cannot be measured by kilometers, brings clear path to the people, to reach their ultimate truth. Concrete and comprehensive elucidation on empowering the body and soul, indeed, enlighten a person. The explanations on dualism in spirituality, exactly teaches the facts of life and helps to accept the life and approach it with positive thoughts. On the other hand, the powerful techniques like kundalini power helps people to awaken the dormant energy, present idle within everybody. The effect of powerful techniques tends to last even for many years.

All the abstract sciences like philosophy, spirituality, consciousness, and metaphysics aim at providing wellness to the mankind. There may be plethora of thoughts, concepts and views, embedded in this field, but each and every thought aids the human race to reach for newer and better heights in life. Everything explicate the way of purification of body and it starts with nutritional diet and subsequently followed by the way to reduce stress, worry, anxiety etc, to find support from the people who have experienced this knowledge and to practice the teachings given by them.

The teachings take one to the bona fide consciousness in life and bring the fullest meaning in life. With such consciousness, there is vast self-awareness, and it also fetches the ability of perceiving the relationship between the self and environment, the real abstract awareness.

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Tags: Conscioussness, metaphysics, Philsophy, spirituality

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