Despite economy, Dallas men still finding ways to raise money

United Court of the Lone Star Empire distributes $33,000 to seven local charities

The United Court of the Lone Star Empire, a Dallas-based not-for-profit organization dedicated to raising money and volunteering for local charities and other worthy causes, distributed over $33,000 in funds to seven local groups this past Saturday.

Emperor 34 Ricky Matlock and Empress 34 Kiara Jacobs (a/k/a Aaron Reid), together with newly elected Emperor 35 Jeff Germany and Empress 35 Audrey Schwartz, congratulated representatives from all seven organizations at the Courts annual Investitures ceremony at the Round-Up Saloon. These charities include AIDS Interfaith Network, AIDS Services of Dallas, AIDS Services of North Texas, Legacy Counseling Center, Dallas Resource Center Food Pantry, Youth First Texas, and Home for the Holidays.

"It couldn't be done without the help from all the members of our organization," said Jacobs. "It's been a tough year for everyone, but we're just glad to be able to be in a place where we can help whoever is in need." added Matlock.

Germany and Schwartz, who were elected into office this past Halloween, also announced several future Court fundraisers, including "A Rockin' Country Christmas" on December 12 at Illusions featuring area entertainers.

The United Court of the Lone Star Empire, Inc. ( is a 501(c)3 organization and a member of the International Court System, an international society of individual social and community service organizations working to further relationships with local businesses and organizations, fundraising, and helping others who need assistance.


ATTENTION EDITORS: high-res photos available of performers, available upon request.


Tags: AIDS, Charity, dallas, fundraiser, HIV, non-profit

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