Diabetes Ebook Release. Shines Hope To A Possible Cure to Diabetes.

A possible cure to diabetes could come from a very unlikely source. Nineteenth century physicians. What did those doctors know? Read how one doctor Emil Schnee wrote of their research and treatments.

There is no doubt that diabetes is one of the leading causes of death in the United States and to many is considered to be a modern day epidemic and much have been written on this subject. Now a new ebook has been released recently online that may provide a key to the cure of diabetes from a 19th century physician name Emil Schnee. It's entitled "Diabetes Its Cause And Permanent Cure" written in 1889. Copies of the original 215 page, well written and documented book, can be found in a few bookstores today. But I have made it into a nice 105 page ebook for people all over to download and read and learn of Schnee incredible work and that of the scientific community of his day. Did 19th century physicians know the cure to diabetes?

Following an intense investigation and research by doctors in much of Europe and the United States-on this relatively new disease, Schnee documents in the first few chapters of the book his remarkable findings. Emil Schnee was born in Germany and eventually moved to Carlsbad and treated people with diabetes with the help of the natural spring waters of Carlsbad, and in his book he explains why. Read for example how this doctor treated diabetes as a CURE, being successful in the treatment of 53 patients ranging in all ages. On page 77, Dr. Schnee details a day-by-day step-by-step treating of 12 of these 53 patients that resulted in a full recovery from the disease, using only techniques known to them at that time. And starting with page 67, Schnee goes into a very interesting discussion on diet, which of course is always a major factor when dealing with diabetes-much useful material even for our day.

In the first part of the book "Diabetes Its Cause and Permanent Cure", Schnee explores the causes of diabetes from a purely medical standpoint. But the second part of his book book turns to very useful information about diabetes that anyone can digest and learn from. Diabetes hits too close to home for all of us. In 2009 it was reported that 23.6 million people in the United States has diabetes and that number is rising! It is safe to say that all of us perhaps has family members, friends, acquaintances, that have diabetes or may have it ourselves.

Since Schnee no doubt was successful in his treatment of diabetes, could his work and that of his colleagues provide key informations to a possible cure today? With the exposure of their remarkable expertise, perhaps the two "medical world", can compare notes for the benefit of those who are suffering today from complications to diabetes.

"Diabetes Its Cause and Permanent Cure" may be over a hundred years old, but it content is timeless! Check out this ebook for yourself. For more information go to http://store.payloadz.com/details/812824.


Tags: 19th century, cure, Diabetes, Diabetic, doctors, Medical science, treatments

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