Diamond6 Leadership and Strategy and Center for Strategic International Studies Announce Superintend

The Center for Strategic International Studies in partnership with Diamond6 Leadership and Strategy, LLC will hold Superintendents Leadership Retreat that will feature visits to such historical venues as Bull Run and Ford's Theatre.

The Center for Strategic International Studies in partnership with Diamond6 Leadership and Strategy, LLC is pleased to announce the inaugural Superintendents Leadership Retreat, scheduled for Oct. 22 through Oct. 26 in the Washington, D.C. area.

The retreat will feature visits to such historical venues as the battlefield of Bull Run and Ford's Theatre, as well as dynamic leadership seminars that will allow superintendents to share best practices on how they are addressing the challenges facing today's large school districts.

"The retreat will link historical events and modern day challenges to illustrate how educators can adapt, innovate and overcome the challenges they face in the classroom and their organizations," says Jeff McCausland, founder and president of Diamond6 Leadership and Strategy. "The 2011 Superintendents Leadership Retreat offers attendees a unique opportunity to connect with other school leaders, collaborate on innovative approaches and continue to develop as effective leaders.

"CSIS and Diamond6 have brought together top experts in leadership development, strategic thinking and history for this one of a kind event," says Karen Meacham, Dean of the Abshire-Inamori Leadership Academy and Director for Educational Outreach at CSIS. "This will be unlike any other workshop you have ever attended."

At the Superintendents Leadership Retreat, attendees will have a chance to:

• Learn from leadership experts with years of military, business and executive leadership experience.
• Learn how to become more strategic in their approach to implementing change with military experts.
• Actively discuss what is working in other school districts with experienced superintendents with varied backgrounds.

For more information and to register, visit the Diamond6 website at http://diamondsixleadership.com/news/2011retreat

About the organizers
The Center for Strategic and International Studies

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is a bipartisan, nonprofit organization founded in 1962 and headquartered in Washington, D.C. It seeks to advance global security and prosperity by providing strategic insights and practical policy solutions to decision makers.

Diamond6 Leadership and Strategy, LLC

Diamond6 is a leadership development consulting business that develops successful strategic leaders who confidently and effectively lead their colleagues and employees. The firm specializes in drawing lessons from historical events such as the battle of Gettysburg and then applying them to modern-day challenges for educators and other organizations. Founder and CEO Jeffrey McCausland is a retired U.S. Army Colonel, with more than 30 years of unique and challenging leadership experiences that have taken him from commanding leading a battalion in the first Gulf War to being a military consultant in the White House.


Tanya McCausland, Corporate Communications Manager
Diamond6 Leadership and Strategy, LLC
[email protected]

Hijab Shah, Research Assistant
Center for Strategic and International Studies
[email protected]


Tags: Bull Run, Fords Theatre, leadership development, military leadership lessons, superintendents

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