Difference Between Quality Assurance And Software Testing: Study At SPEC INDIA

SPEC INDIA is a leading IT solutions provider with over 15 years of experience in this domain. We have successfully integrated this solution for various leading FMCG companies all over the world.

Quality assurance, & Software Testing - these both terms are often taken as the ones who have the same meaning and used for the same references too. This happens especially in case of the software industry. Let us have a look at what the standards say about this:

Quality Assurance (QA) is a part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled. [ISO 9000]

Testing is a process consisting of all life cycle activities, both static and dynamic, concerned with planning, preparation and evaluation of software products and related work products to determine that they satisfy specified requirements, to demonstrate that they are fit for purpose and to detect defects. [ISTQB glossary]

The definition themselves make the things clear and simply understandable. But still let us elaborate and identify the difference; as per the definitions and the wordings, QA is taking care about the bugs appearing where as Software testing is all about making sure to uncover the bugs.
The software tester verifies the correspondence of produced software to customer requirements that were initially submitted before the project begun. This would be with respect to the specs, with which the project was begun during the analysis phase. QA engineer can analyze current state of company processes and all.

Both are basically used to make the software better and ready for release. But, QA enhances the quality by the way if improvement of development process and testing enhances by the way of finding the bugs.

More logically,
QA - Improvement of development process & Prevention of bugs appearing
Testing - Finding bugs & Uncovering bugs before users will find them
Hence forth, QA and Software Testing combined make up to be good software.

At SPEC INDIA, we have a well-trained testing team of consisting of 20+ QA professionals. The testing procedure and services can be outlined as functionality testing, regression testing, performance and load testing, speed and security testing, compatibility testing, version testing, and so on. You may visit our website to gain a thorough knowledge about our processes at our website at www.spec-india.com


Tags: Software Development India, Software Quality Assurance, software testing

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