Direct Mail Business Embraces Technology, Expands Services has embraced the Internet to revamp its services and thrive in a challenging economy.

Raleigh, NC - March 16, 2010 -- Despite a sluggish economy, business at remains brisk.

According to owner Steven Rosenberg, even his primary vendor, the U.S. Postal Service, has announced plans to address declining revenue and volume. In a recent address to stakeholders, Postmaster General John E. Potter shared plans and action steps to achieve that goal, including changes to delivery frequency, eliminating prepayment of retiree health benefits and expanding access to products and services.

The Internet has had a dramatic impact on the mail business, Rosenberg noted. "I decided to embrace this technology, instead of fighting it," he said.

By learning the intricacies of search engine optimization, Rosenberg has used the Internet to dramatically increase his online marketing capabilities. His efforts have paid off. is rated in the top 10 on Google for 'political mailings' and is consistently in the top 10 for 'direct mail Raleigh.' The results on his business have been profound.

"The Internet is the great equalizer. It is all about being 'found,'" Rosenberg said. "Online, a small business has the same exposure as a company many times its size. That's how I believe has remained steady and profitable, even during the recession."

Rosenberg recently expanded his services to help clients realize similar online success.

"Small businesses were overlooked in the recent stimulus packages, so it is only through their own entrepreneurship and ingenuity that they are able to compete."

In addition to printing and direct mail, also provides website and graphic design, content development, search engine optimization and web analytics - a method of analyzing and reporting internet data to better understand and optimize web usage.

"This technology can either disrupt your business, or be a boon for it. I've chosen the latter, and I want to help other companies to do the same," Rosenberg said.

For further information about, visit

About was founded 1989. Based in Raleigh, N.C., it offers full-service direct mail, graphic design, printing, website design and search engine optimization. Further information may be obtained at, or by calling 919-848-4332.


Tags:, political mailings, Search Engine Marketing, Web Analytics

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Maria J. Mauriello
Press Contact, Write to the Point
Write to the Point
4412 Sprague Road
Raleigh, NC 27613