- Academics in Kuwait Discuss Key Issues Affecting Islamic Economics
Online, November 14, 2010 ( - Over two days from 15th and 16th December 2010, the Global Economic Directions IV conference will intensely look at ways to comply with the Islamic Sharia and how financial institutions should operate in relation to the guidelines.
Three previous editions of the conference have been named 'Global Economic Directions I II and III' and have analysed the ways in which companies should follow certain rules. The fourth edition of the forum will be titled 'The Global Economic Crisis from the Perspective of Islamic Economics' and is asking members to submit articles on the subject with the leading papers to be presented at the event.
Academics and organisations from the public and private sectors will be in attendance to provide experience on the subject and share ideas. The conference will be split into three main areas of debate which will look at economic stability and ethics, similarities and differences between conventional and Islamic finance, and the Islamic perspective on economic policies.
Leading professionals and lecturers from around the world are expected to meet at the Kuwait University which is staging the forum, which in turn will raise the demand for cheap Kuwait hotels in the area.
Lek Boonlert, marketing head at commented: "The conference acts as an important platform to share ideas on Islamic economic policies. Occupancy will rise as delegates check into hotels in the city so to ensure of guaranteeing the best places visitors need to book ahead."
Tags: directrooms,, Global Economic Crisis conferenc, Kuwait hotel, Kuwait hotels