- Athletes Are Put Through Their Paces Around Aviemore
Online, February 7, 2011 ( - The Wee Triathlon is a cross country event where contestants will be racing in three standard disciplines including cycling, running and swimming. As part of the event each athlete will start with a 400m swim before jumping on their bikes for a four mile ride through the forest tracks around Glen Nevis. The last stretch of the race requires competitors to run as fast as they can over a distance of three miles cross country to the finish line.
The swim takes place in the pool at the Lochaber Leisure Center in Fort William where many competitors are set to be staying in a hotel Aviemore which is just a short ride away. The race is open to amateur and experienced triathlon runners and is also ideal for people new to the sport looking for more races.
Spectators are free to watch the race that takes place on 19th March but the first event is now full with competitors but the organizers are holding another event the next day on 20th March 2011.
Lek Boonlert, marketing head at commented: "With both races nearly full with athletes hotels in the area will be busy as people look to take a well deserved rest after the event. Visitors and athletes should reserve rooms in advance to ensure availability."
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Tags: Aviemore, Aviemore hotels, directrooms,, hotel Aviemore, The Wee Tri