- Muhammad's Birthday Sees Special Services in The Cameron Highlands reports that the Malaysian district of the Cameron Highlands will be marking the birth of the prophet Muhammad with a number of services to honour his work and teachings

Often referred to as 'the birth of the messenger of Allah' or Maulidur-Rasul in Malay, 15th February sees Muslims all over the world celebrating the special occasion. Typically Muslims will gather to pay their respects and services are held with sermons and readings from the Qur'an as well as recitals of some of the most famous stories from the life of Muhammad.

The birthday is awarded as a national holiday in many countries worldwide and also in Malaysia although there is a conflict of interest among some Muslims about whether in fact the day should be celebrated. Some scholars are of the opinion that as Muhammad himself stated not to honour him the day should pass as normal.

Visitors staying at Cameron Highlands hotels however can see the festivities taking place all around the area from the people that believe in celebrating what is described as the most significant date in Islam.

People heading to Cameron Highlands for the holiday can expect to see different flora and fauna as the area is set aside for deer and many types of bird and will be a sort after destination for people looking for a cooler climate.

Lek Boonlert, marketing head at commented: "Such an important date combined with the national holiday is going to see more people travelling and leaving the cities. Hotel rooms in places like Cameron Highlands, with its natural surroundings and cool weather, will be the most popular so the advice is to book places early."


Tags: Cameron Highland, Cameron Highland hotels, directrooms,, malaysia, Maulidur Rasul, Prophet Muhammad's Birthday

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