- Multidsciplinary Cancer Management Course Is Taking Place in Damascus This January
Online, December 20, 2010 ( - This important event is aimed at providing practitioners who work with cancer patients on a regular basis with essential training that they might not otherwise receive in their country of residence. Presented in collaboration with the Al Byroni University Hospital as well as Boston Oncology and the prestigious Syrian Oncology Association, the Multidisciplinary Cancer Management Courses are set to last from January 21st until the 22nd, 2011.
The Multidisciplinary Cancer Management Courses will be focusing on the most prevalent types of cancer in Syria and the surrounding nations and offers medical practitioners advice on the latest treatments. There will also be presentations on aspects such as radiobiology, cancer care and surgical oncology.
One of the best things about choosing to host the event in Syria's capital city is that visitors will find a large number of leading Damascus hotels. Visitors will also want to take time to appreciate all that the city has to offer during their stay, from rich and spicy cuisine to ancient monuments and pretty parks.
Lek Boonlert, marketing head at commented: "This high profile event is expected to attract a large number of medical professionals to Damascus. All of the city's leading hotels are expected to reach maximum capacity at this time and those who wish to find the best rates available should search online well in advance."
Tags: damascus, directrooms,, dmascus hotels, MCMC, Multidsciplinary Cancer Manageme