Disabled Author is Chosen as one of 50 Great Writers

Roy Native, West Point, Utah resident, author of, Life-Support Dang Near Killed Me, has been chosen as one of "50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading."

The Authors Show, an online radio show featuring interviews, sponsored the awards. Previously interviewed writers were required to submit an essay entitled: “Why I Write.” The winners were then chosen as the result of a public voting process. Parry’s win secures a place for her in the 2015 annual publication.

The win is amazing in and of itself, but the fact that she recently had to relearn to read and write makes this event remarkable. In her memoir, Life Support Dang Near Killed Me, the author shares her horrific true story in hopes that readers can learn from her mistake--never surrender your own judgment for that of another's. Going against a premonition telling her she was too sick for surgery, instead of trusting her intuition, she trusted the surgeon who performed surgery that landed her on life-support, not expected to live.

"It would be so easy to just stay in bed all day. Doing nothing. Maybe watching a little T.V. Writing or even the thought of writing is what gets me out of bed. Otherwise, I'd have a horrible case of bed sores."

LaRae Parry, Winning Author

Even though the events she reveals are tragic, she tells the story with a sense of humor--something that helped her survive the unsurvivable.

“I wrote this book," Parry stated, "to help readers learn that they can survive anything using a little bit of humor. Life on life-support was one of my greatest challenges. It was right up there with giving birth, and raising teenagers. No kidding. It’s more fun to laugh about situations, than cry about them. Laughter produces endorphins. Laughter is like a mini-vacation.”

In the tradition of authors Erma Bombeck and Dave Barry, LaRae Parry's work could be said to be quirky, offbeat, kooky and even a little crazy. But Parry knows first hand the healing power of humor and that is her focus. In 2005, she suffered a major medical ordeal which landed her on life-support because of multiple major organ failure. She pulled through. But while the Internet and social media were just taking off, she was learning how to walk, function, and even read again. She lost years of painting skills, years of spelling expertise and her editing skills among other things. She was in a world of darkness because she lost her ability to create, read, and write.

After years of therapy, and hard work, her mind began creating again. She was able to comprehend some words, but struggled with reading. It was through her struggle to learn to read that her writing career sprouted.

Her debut novella, 'The Danish Pastry', won the Author of the Week award and finished in the winner's circle for Author of the Year Competition. Her other books, 'Journal of a Crazy Lady', 'Crud . . . Another Journal', and 'Hubba Hubba Santa Claus' have received rave reviews.

In addition to her published works, her other activities include publishing the 'Crazy Lady's Advice Column', where she fields questions and gives off-the-wall advice infused with healthy doses of comedy and satire.

Her books are available at Amazon and CreateSpace. 


Tags: Author, Winner, Writer

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