Disabled Veteran Creates Social Network - Seeks Public Support for Launch

Steven Vulich, Founder of Freedom Social Network (FSN) says, "I am asking for public support to bring a social network alternative to the masses. Please visit our GoFundMe page to donate. Together, we can do this."
Freedom Social Network

Steven Vulich announced that he has created a new social network that supports Freedom of Speech and Expression to the fullest extent of the law. Vulich states, "Stay calm, we know several other networks have claimed the same freedoms and let us down, but this isn't your typical run of the mill social network." Freedom.fan, owned and operated by a Disabled Military Veteran is now available to anyone looking for a truly unbiased social network. Vulich also stated, "I fought for our country in Iraq, and I continue to fight even on our own soil to preserve American Social Freedoms that have come under attack for the last several years."

FSN was built on the core values of Trust, Honor, Respect and Integrity. It is an interest-based social network providing all the features one would expect from social media, such as live capabilities with up to 2 guests from the mobile apps, live proximity search that can locate like-minded people with similar interests, secure messaging, a music box feature that enables you to search videos and music while creating shareable personal albums - just to name a few. Vulich further stated, "We are in our infancy stage and will continue to improve the network, so hang in there with us as we move forward."

Vulich, an 11-year Military and 10-year Police Veteran is reaching out to the public to assist with its launch and achieve sustainability. Vulich stated, "We have set up a GoFundMe Campaign to receive public support through donations which will offset the enormous fees associated with funding this type of venture. Together, we can do this." You can click the link here to support FSN in these challenging times and support a Veteran Created, Owned and Operated Social Network. Vulich created Freedom Social Network from the ground up with a team of multinational developers with his own private funds.

A few thoughts-

The FSN Founder hopes to gain the attention and support of big tech leaders through this campaign. He also welcomes all investors to join this effort or to contact him directly.

Vulich also stated "Allowing free speech is a big legal undertaking on a social platform and unfortunately, there are some who abuse these freedoms we all enjoy, but there are limits - legal limits. We have content moderation contingencies in place for violations as well. If you say something in real society that threatens or harms others, you can - and likely will - be prosecuted. It's the same on social media platforms; you can - and likely will - be prosecuted for these same actions. With this in mind, let's all be responsible and agree to have our Social and Political differences. We can agree to disagree without further division." In closing, Vulich aims to truly reunite Americans in these troubling times.

For press inquiries please contact:

Steven Vulich

Steven@Freedom.fan or Stevenvulich@gmail.com

For more information about Freedom Social Network visit:


Available for download - Android and iOS by searching Freedom Fan

Source: Freedom Fan


Tags: freedom, freedom social network, freedom.fan, interests, new social network, social network

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Freedom Fan is an Interest-Based Social Network with Live Proximity Features.