DiscountBags Offers Free Shipping On All Bags

Newly launched promotional tote bag supplier, DiscountBags, has recently launched free shipping on all of their orders. With a large selection of tote bags, wine bags, backpacks, cotton bags, jute totes, and more- you can get your order shipped free

Just after the recent launch of their website, DiscountBags has decided to offer Free Shipping on all of their bags. Taking the industry by storm, DiscountBags started out less than two weeks ago, gaining heavy traffic to their site almost instantly. Mothered by parent company, DiscountMugs, one of the largest promotional products manufacturers in the country, DiscountBags has the utilities, experience, and ability to quickly become the tote bag powerhouse it is forecasted to be.

Already a major contender in the promotional bags industry, DiscountBags takes on the low price guarantee from their parent company, allowing them to offer the bags on their website at the lowest possible prices on the market. "We understand that people are still suffering from the bad economy and unlike competitors, we have dropped our prices and shipping costs in effort to aide businesses getting back on their feet" explains Julie O'Neal, Marketing Coordinator.

DiscountBags was created for the sole purpose of providing high-quality promotional bags, printed with perfection, at the lowest prices guaranteed. With a wide selection of over a hundred tote bag styles, backpacks, jute bags, grocery bags, lunch coolers, and more, they have taken over the industry in just a matter of weeks. Their free shipping sale applies to all of their tote bags, any style, shape, or size, in any quantity, shipped to any state in the continental US. By adding free shipping to their already unbeatable deals seems like a challenge has been made to the promotional tote bags suppliers of today. "We want our competitors to try to compete with us. There is no way they can offer our high quality products at such low prices, and if they do- then it's even better for the customer!" Steven Cu, CIO states. If DiscountBags ( ) has grown this exponentially in just a few weeks after opening, it is sure to be the next big company to watch of 2011.



Tags: backpacks, Blank bags, Computer bags, Discount bags, Discount promotional bags, Drawstring Bags, lunch bags, tote bags

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Amin Rahman
Press Contact, Discount Bags
Discount Bags
6905 NW 25th Street
Miami, FL 33122