Diversio Launches the New Gold Standard of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Certification With Mayor John Tory

Today, Diversio announced the inaugural cohort of 80 new Diversio-Certified companies at a press conference with the City of Toronto Mayor, John Tory. Each certified organization must uphold standards of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, action that not only makes their companies more attractive to new talent, it makes them more successful.

The inaugural cohort includes public- and private-sector organizations like the City of Toronto, Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG), Interac Corp., Hudson Bay Company, Accenture, TransAlta, Navigator, Indigo, and more. The Certification signals each organization's continued commitment to and meaningful performance on equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace.

Diversio Certification requires a comprehensive analysis of employee demographics, identities, and experiences. The process culminates in data-driven recommendations from Diversio's award-winning Recommendation Engine. Certified companies receive a customized Dashboard to track progress over time.

The Certification is endorsed by multiple organizations including the Human Resources Professional Association, the City of Toronto, the Responsible Investment Association, and the Investor Leadership Network. It signals to investors, employees, customers, and other stakeholders that the organization is "walking the talk" on equity, diversity and inclusion.

To obtain Certification, the following requirements must be met:

  1. The organization regularly collects data on employee demographics and experience to identify bias and barriers faced by minority groups
  2. The organization has measured and set targets to increase diversity and inclusion at all levels, including leadership roles
  3. The organization has implemented programs and policies designed to unlock specific challenges, and is committed to tracking results

The Certification responds to growing demand for an authentic signal that a company is taking meaningful action on equity, diversity and inclusion. Research shows that 73% of consumers will stop purchasing from a company that does not share their views on social justice and 57% of Gen Z employees look for positive culture when choosing a workplace.

Certification also responds to the Canadian Investor Statement on Diversity & Inclusion, in which investors representing more than $4 trillion in assets under management called for the adoption of policies, targets and timelines to improve diversity and inclusion at portfolio companies.


John Tory, Mayor of Toronto, said: "I am proud that the City's ongoing commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace is being recognized through Diversio Certification. This new standard provides the workforce at the City and our residents a sense of confidence that we are working hard to make an inclusive public sector. As one of the most diverse cities in the world, it's so important, now more than ever, that the Toronto Public Service reflects the communities that it serves. I look forward to the implementation of the recommendations brought forward by Diversio which will not only enhance our workforce but ensure that we are striving to make it better than before."

Laura McGee, CEO of Diversio, said: "Diversio Certification is a signal that an organization has made a meaningful commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. It is not a check-box exercise. Research shows that a truly inclusive culture requires data, metrics, and impact-oriented programming to enable all employees to succeed. We are pleased that Diversio's AI-powered certification platform is enabling companies across all sectors and sizes to accelerate their diversity and inclusion journey."

Duncan Hannay, President and Chief Executive Officer of OLG, said: "OLG is thrilled to be an official Diversio Certified organization. Committing to and embedding equity, diversity, and inclusion into the fabric of the organization includes measuring our current representation and taking steps to improve diversity in our talent pool across the organization, along with greater inclusion to strengthen organizational health and improving employee engagement. Equity, diversity and inclusion are critical components of OLG's corporate culture and are cornerstones of our success now and in the future."

Dustyn Lanz, CEO of the Responsible Investment Association, said: "Leading investors know that diversity drives innovation and companies with inclusive, equitable cultures tend to attract and retain a wider pool of talent. That's why 45 institutional investors have signed the Canadian Investor Statement on Diversity & Inclusion. Diversio Certification provides investors with a helpful tool for measuring & monitoring progress among potential investees, and we congratulate Diversio for bringing this important certification to the market."

Louise Taylor Green, CEO of the Human Resources Professional Association, said: "Diversity, equity and inclusion are essential to the success of any organization. The HR industry is alive to this opportunity, and the Human Resources Professional Association is pleased to have partnered with Diversio to deliver important resources to HR professionals.  Pursuing the Diversio Certification is a signal that an organization has taken meaningful steps to create a highly inclusive workplace. Data and metrics are critical to success, and we are thrilled to see Diversio set the global standard for diversity and inclusion, starting right here in Canada."

Jeffrey Russell, President of Accenture in Canada, said: "At Accenture, inclusion and diversity are fundamental to our culture, and we know that our rich diversity makes us smarter and more innovative, and also helps us better serve the needs of our people, clients and communities. Rigorous data and analytics have played a fundamental role in helping us achieve our workforce goals at Accenture and we're honoured to be recognized with this inaugural certification through Diversio's award-winning data-driven recommendation engine."

Jaime Watt, Executive Chairman, Navigator and Founder, Canadian Centre for the Purpose of the Corporation, said: "Navigator and the Canadian Centre for the Purpose of the Corporation are proud to partner with businesses across Canada—from SMEs to our country's biggest employers—who are making real change to prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion. We believe strongly that firms who champion this work will be best equipped to thrive in an economy where purpose matters more than ever. Diversio's certification work will be invaluable for Canadian businesses committed to meaningful change, including for our own firm's focus on diversity, equity and inclusion."

Mark O'Connell, President and CEO of Interac Corp., said: "Our employees at Interac Corp. recognize the progress we have made to become a more inclusive organization, as represented through our work with Diversio. We are honoured to be recognized by Diversio and this certification signifies that we are taking steps in the right direction. There is work left to be done and we are committed to creating a more inclusive and equitable company for all of our employees. We look forward to working with Diversio and our other community partners as we continue to build a stronger, more inclusive company."

Iain Nairn, President and CEO of Hudson's Bay, said: "For Hudson's Bay, the only way we will be successful is with a diverse workforce whose perspectives represent all Canadians. We have made a commitment to our associates and customers to be inclusive and equitable, and the work we're undertaking with Diversio will ensure we are accountable and delivering on that promise."

Jane Fedoretz, Executive Vice President, People, Talent and Transformation of TransAlta, said: "We are proud to have received recognition from Diversio's globally recognized certification platform for our equity, diversity and inclusion activities. The certification validates the company's efforts to measure, track and continuously improve our equity, diversity, and inclusion. The persistent inequities around the world underscore the urgent need to address and alleviate racial, ethnic and other tensions, to remove barriers that perpetuate these inequalities, and to promote an inclusive working environment for all employees where everyone belongs and can bring their authentic selves to work."

Nathan Williams, Chief Creative Officer of Indigo, said: "Indigo is a company where connectedness and belonging are inherent in our culture. We're committed to diversity, equity and inclusion and believe that being included in this inaugural cohort of Diversio-Certified organizations will help to fuel our progress and ultimately benefit our workplace and customers.  Partnering with Diversio will enable us to implement data driven solutions that are aligned with our strategy and provide us with the tools and insights to communicate openly and authentically with our teams about our DE&I journey." 

About Diversio

Diversio is a diversity & inclusion data and consulting company headquartered in Toronto, Canada. With offices in London and New York, Diversio has clients in over 30 countries and is the provider of choice for governments and leading corporations around the world. Diversio's award-winning artificial intelligence technology has helped hundreds of organizations and investors to collect data, gain insights, and implement solutions to make meaningful progress on diversity & inclusion.

Website: https://diversio.com

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Source: Diversio


Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, business, company culture, culture, D&I, data, diversity, diversityandinclusion, HR, human resources, inclusion, inclusivity, management, management training, natural language processing, NLP, senior leadership, technology, workplace culture