DMAA Webinars Explore Evaluation of Wellness, Disease Management Outcomes

Two-part Webinar series to focus on methodological and measures set recommendations of the DMAA Outcomes Guidelines Report, the industry consensus, evidence-based approach to measuring clinical and financial outcomes in population health management.

WASHINGTON, DC - DMAA: The Care Continuum Alliance has announced a series of Webcasts to explore in depth the methodological and measures set recommendations of its Outcomes Guidelines Report, a fourth volume of which the association made publicly available on its Web site last fall.

The March 4 and 10 Webinars will feature DMAA and industry leaders recognized for their expertise in the evaluation of clinical and financial outcomes in wellness, disease management and population health programs.

Part I of the Webinar series, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time March 4, will focus on the guidelines' methodological recommendations, their application to real-world programs and importance to the industry. Presenters include David Veroff, MPP, DMAA Outcomes Committee Chair and Vice President, Evaluation Services, Health Dialog; and Soeren Mattke, MD, DSc, MPH, Managing Director, RAND Health Advisory.

Part II of the series, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time March 10, will highlight how the report's measures sets can be used to assess program impact and improve quality. Presenters include Sue Jennings, PhD, Past-Chair, DMAA Outcomes Committee; Benjamin N. Hamlin, MPH, Assistant Director, Performance Measurement, National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA); and Raena Grant, Assistant Vice President, Product Development, NCQA.

The DMAA Outcomes Guidelines Report has been widely praised for its industry consensus, evidence-based approach to evaluating program outcomes. DMAA released a first volume of the report in 2006 and has annually expanded and updated the document. More than 500 organizations have downloaded a copy of the Volume 4 Report, which incorporates all the recommendations of the previous three volumes and adds new measures and recommendations for medication adherence, wellness program evaluation and evaluation of mature programs.

Event details and registration links for the Webinars are available on the DMAA Web site, at Questions and requests for additional information may be directed to DMAA at [email protected] or (202) 737-5980.


Tags: chronic disease, disease management, evaluation, outcomes, population health, wellness

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Carl Graziano
Press Contact, DMAA: The Care Continuum Alliance
DMAA: The Care Continuum Alliance
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