DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability Joins The Energy & Utilities Alliance

"DNV KEMA will play an important role within the EUA, particularly at such a crucial time for smart metering."

DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability has joined the Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA), which provides a leading industry voice to help shape future policy direction within the UK energy and utilities sector.

The Energy and Utilities Alliance, formerly SBGI, recently rebranded to reflect its expanding remit beyond a focus on the gas industry. The appointment of DNV KEMA as its latest member aligns with this broadened scope. DNV KEMA, as a leading global authority in business and technical consulting, and Testing, Inspections & Certification services across the energy value chain, will be a valuable contributor to the EUA.

The new membership also coincides with a growth period for DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability, following the recent merger whereby DNV and KEMA's expertise combined to offer full support to organisations across the energy sector. One of the key areas of focus for DNV KEMA in the UK is smart metering, at a time when the UK smart meter programme has reached a critical point. National policy is fast becoming reality as the sector strives to meet government targets for rollout by 2019, and DNV KEMA contributes particular expertise in interpreting programme requirements and making them tangible.

Other members of the EUA include prominent players in the energy and utilities industry such as British Gas, National Grid and Siemens, and DNV KEMA will be one of a select cadre of valuable consultancy members. As an active member, DNV KEMA will be a beneficial addition to the group, contributing both technical and commercial expertise from an objective standpoint.

Matt Freeman, Head of UK Smart Metering Programme at DNV KEMA, commented, "Joining the EUA is a significant move for us as we actively engage in the UK industry conversation. Represented at all Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) smart metering working groups, the EUA has a prominent voice and we are proud to contribute our expertise towards intelligent policy considerations."

Mike Foster, Chief Executive, Energy and Utilities Alliance, added, "DNV KEMA will play an important role within the EUA, particularly at such a crucial time for smart metering. Their expertise at interpreting deep commercial and technical aspects of energy programmes strengthens our membership significantly."


About Energy and Utilities Alliance
Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA), formerly known as SBGI, provides a leading industry voice helping shape the future policy direction within the sector. Using its wealth of expertise and over 100 years of experience, it acts to further the best interests of its members and the wider community in working towards a sustainable, energy secure and efficient future.

About DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability
DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability, with more than 2,300 experts in over 30 countries around the world, is committed to driving the global transition toward a safe, reliable, efficient, and clean energy future. With a heritage of nearly 150 years, we specialise in providing world-class, innovative solutions in the fields of business & technical consultancy, testing, inspections & certification, risk management,

and verification. As an objective and impartial knowledge-based company, we advise and support organisations along the energy value chain: producers, suppliers & end-users of energy, equipment manufacturers, as well as government bodies, corporations and non-governmental organisations. DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability is part of DNV, a global provider of services for managing risk with more than 10,000 employees in over 100 countries. For more information on DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability, visit www.dnvkema.com.

Follow DNV KEMA: DNV KEMA Utility of the Future blog; LinkedIn; Twitter

For media questions, contact:
Rolf van Stenus, DNV KEMA Global Press Officer: [email protected]; tel. +31 26 3 56 2607
Mona Ghobadi, EML Wildfire Senior Account Executive: [email protected]; tel. +44 208 408 8000


Tags: "national grid", british gas, DECC, DNV KEMA, energy, Energy & Utilities Alliance, eua, gas, Matt Freeman, Policy, Siemens, smart meter, uk, Utilities

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