Do you believe in ghosts?

Do you believe in ghosts?Although sometimes a silly question, Do You Believe in Ghosts? has been a fundamental aspect of all human culture since long before recorded history.

) October 29, 2009 --
Oct 29, 2009 - Belief or disbelief in ghosts crosses all past and present civilizations, cultures, countries, religions, ethnicities and belief systems. Accounts of individuals crossing from the physical to the nonphysical and then communicating with the living are found in everything from ancient cave drawings to the Bible, from folklore to scientific journals to local newspapers.

While a generous slice of humanity readily or reluctantly believes in ghosts, a larger slice refuses to believe in the paranormal despite stories of hauntings in cities and towns across the world. And while a good percentage of ghost sightings are faked, false alarms or practical jokes, another good percentage is believed to be the real thing.

Still, individuals talking about their encounters with the paranormal to people in their everyday lives will almost always be met with cynicism. Psychics communicating with the dead can all too easily be debunked. And until recently, paranormal groups were considered as not much more than bunches of weirdoes and crazies.

So what do paranormal investigations and investigators need to do to change the perception? Change the rules. Over the last few years, paranormal groups have redirected their efforts of communicating with ghosts to aiming to prove the paranormal exists... scientifically. As in creating a sophisticated and controlled environment at the site of a haunting by using an array of devices and technologies that were not sensitive or powerful enough, or available that long ago.

Cable shows such as Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures and now more recently Ghost Labs have started to focus on capturing provable paranormal evidence by digital video, sound, images, electromagnetic waves, and other scientific principles. The goal of modern ghost hunting is conducting paranormal investigation less focused on wandering around a haunted site trying not to be scared, and more focused on helping the discipline become an accepted branch of natural science.

What about the ghostly shoulder taps? Forms in corners? Flashes of swirling light? Voices on voice recorder playback that no one heard during the recording? Diaphanous ladies floating down the stairs? The only way to truly try to prove that these spectacular experiences happened is by balancing nonphysical incidents with credible electronic trace evidence.

A couple of years ago, two veteran paranormal investigators, Scott Trainito and Sal Pigantone, founded Para-Boston, a paranormal investigation of scientists and enthusiasts based in Boston Massachusetts. Para-Boston's members share the belief that credible investigation of hauntings and supernatural phenomena need a skillfully coordinated study of scientific Techniques.

Para-Boston has already made its mark on a national scale. After performing many investigations in the Boston area, they were chosen by FearNet of New York to be filmed and featured as well as radio shows such as the very well known Jordan Rich on CBS radio and television talk shows as Ghosts R Near hosted by Keith Johnson.

Fueled by passion and dedication to taking paranormal investigations to higher level of proof and believability, Para-Boston offers paranormal investigations at no cost.

Scott Trainito said, "There is such a great formula on the team of Para-Boston. We are a family and without them Para-Boston would not have been as successful as they are today".

There investigations are discreet giving the opportunity for both believers and skeptics alike the opportunity to contact Para-Boston for an investigation without wondering what the "neighbors" would think.

For more information on Para-Boston you can visit their web site at


Tags: Boston, ghosts, home services, Massachusetts, paranormal

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Scott Trainito
Press Contact, Para-Boston Paranormal Investigators
Para-Boston Paranormal Investigators
P.O. Box 110
Boston, MA 02128