Do You Even Know What Screenwriting Is?

In addition to the technical aspect of screenwriting, there is a LOT of other factors that go into being successful.

Hey, everyone!

Film screenwriting is one of the most rewarding careers that there is, and it is also one of the toughest; but if you are a wannabe film screenwriter, you probably already know this.

Film screenwriting is more of a dedication career-wise, because it's one of those career choices where you seem to get so many knock backs. It's really all too easy to become despondent and harbor thoughts of giving up, but if you do - although it's obvious to say, you'll never achieve your dream; and you could be just one more new screenplay away from fame and fortune - that's precisely why you have to be so dedicated.
If it's such a difficult marketplace to break into, why on earth do we aspire to it? Well I guess we all know the answer to that one. The thrill of having one of your screenplays made into blockbuster movie must be one of the greatest feelings there is; not to mention of course the money. Film screenwriting is one of the most lucrative professions, and it's these lures that keep us all hanging on in there waiting for that all important break-through.

But what does it take to become a successful film screenwriter - apart from dedication of course? Dedication is all very well, but if you actually don't have what it takes to make the grade, you're just wasting your time. Well despite what all of the film screenwriting schools will tell you, great film screenplay writers are not made, they are born. If you don't have a love of film, and you don't have the basic writing skill to get your ideas down on paper legibly, you're a no hoper. Film is a wonderful media, both as a story teller and a conveyor of emotions, and you've got to be in love with it to be able to create your own screenplays.

Given that you've got this basic love of film, you need to do these three basic things of you're going to succeed:

*Watch lots of movies

*Read as many screenplays as you can lay your hands on

*Write as many of your own screen plays as you can

If you're in love with movies and you are driven to become a film screenwriter, these basics will be your lifeblood anyway, and what better way to spend your working life than doing what you love best?

It certainly worked for me. By watching movies by the boatload, I began to get an intuitive grasp as to what makes a great scene, how the stories were structured and what these structures contributed to the movie, as well as how the different characters function within the overall plot. Now I'm not saying that I am now ready to become a film screenwriting great. But I sure as sure feel that I do know all about the mechanics of my trade. That puts me into a strong position because I know how to use this to structure my own screenplays to make them not only more complete, but to give them greater impact too.

I also found that the more screenplays I read, the easier it became to visualize the scenes in my own mind and to differentiate between what worked and what didn't, and this gave me greater insight in what to include in my own work, and what not to.

I'm also producing new film screenwriting offerings like the clappers. The more the merrier. It's like they say; "practice makes perfect" and the more I write, the better I feel I am becoming. Why not apply these same basics yourself and see just how much your writing will improve?

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Fade Out,


p.s. If You want to know the most important step in Screenwriting, check out my article from yesterday HERE


Tags: fiction, final draft, Non-Fiction, novel, screenplay, screenwriter, script, scriptwriter, story, structure, writer

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Los Angeles, CA