Do You Know How to Look After Horses in Stormy Weather?
Online, July 26, 2013 ( - Many areas of the UK have been basking in the hot weather but there are now threats of thunderstorms. The change in weather conditions can prove worrying for horse owners. Many people advise moving them into a stable during particularly bad weather.
Stable specialists Cheval Liberte (UK) Ltd, based in Corwen, North Wales have years of equestrian experience and they believe stables would be the best place to house horses with a nervous disposition.
Owners often like to keep horses in a barn during stormy weather as it is deemed safer. Some experts claim the ability to walk around may keep them more secure and Cheval Liberte's internal stables come in a variety of different sizes.
Thunder and lightning could prove dangerous for horses left out to pasture. Horses have in built senses for danger and when there is heavy rainfall and flash floods they may naturally look to get to higher ground.
However, many horse owners have said they would rather know their animals are safe in a stable or barn.
Forecasters are often able to predict bad weather so it is important to plan ahead and have a contingency plan in place.
Providing stables for your horses may be easier than you think and if you have the space why not house them yourself rather than paying for livery.
Hyppic Temporary Stables are also an ideal solution for people who have moved, waiting for stables to be built or planning permission passed.
If you already have a barn Cheval could help you with accessories such as stable doors and windows. The Club and Haras are Cheval Liberte's standard range of doors and very popular. With this product there is no need to worry about shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. They will be safe and secure whatever the weather.
Tags: american barns, diversification, equine products, farming, horse stables, indoor stables, Internal stables, stable accessories, temporary stables