Doctor Accuses PBS Frontline of Selling Out on Vaccine Concern

Are vaccines harming us? -- The truth that doctors and the pharmaceutical industry don't want you to know. Acclaimed physician challenges news media about vaccinations and toxicity.

What price journalistic integrity? That may well be the question that PBS needs to answer after this week's airing of its top rated show Frontline. Entitled "Vaccine Wars", the episode offered a decidedly one-sided viewpoint on the issue of vaccine safety. Dr. Rashid Buttar, a renowned physician who has received worldwide attention for his innovative and groundbreaking work in ridding the human body of toxicities that cause illness and disease, gave the program's producers access to his clinic, his patients, and himself.

As Buttar recollects, "Frontline's film crew spent over seven hours in my offices, extensively interviewed three of my patients, and then spent almost three hours interviewing me one-on-one." Not one single second of this was shown on-air. Instead, Frontline recycled dated video footage previously released on the internet. Frontline violated Buttar's trust and wasted his valuable time; producing a slanted report designed to intimidate and scare the public.

While disappointed at their lack of ethics, Dr. Buttar is not really surprised. He and his colleagues continue to crusade against a medical profession that hides behind antiquated theories and ineffective, costly treatments; and media outlets such as Frontline who further the agenda of the lucrative vaccine industry.

Buttar also questions what role lobbying by the U.S. Department of Heath & Human Services played in Frontline`s decision to air such a skewed report. In a recent Readers' Digest interview, HHS Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, admitted to meeting with media in an effort to undermine vaccine detractors saying, "We have reached out to media outlets to try to get them to not give the views of these people equal weight in their reporting to what science has shown and continues to show about the safety of vaccines."

Concerns about vaccines are legitimate and growing. Once proclaimed as one of greatest achievements of modern medicine, vaccines, their frequency and the combinations, have become the subject of increasing unrest within the medical and scientific community since 1989. Parents questioning the need and the prudence of their child receiving so many shots, and the administration of previously singularly administrated vaccines combined into "super shots" (such as the MMR Triple Shot) are often met with scorn, derision, and admonishment from doctors.

The fact is that vaccines do contain dangerous toxic substances. One of the most dangerous of these is mercury, which is present as a preservative in most vaccines, including the flu shot. While many believe mercury was removed from vaccines in 2002, Thimerosal -- or ethyl mercury -- is still used in the manufacturing process of almost all vaccines, but that fact is no longer disclosed on the vaccine labels.

Dr. Buttar is not alone in his Frontline experience; fellow vaccine critics Dr. Jay Gordon and Dr. Robert Sears were also interviewed extensively but then edited out of the piece. "The show made a mockery of journalism," says Buttar, "because it showcased the opinions of a group of "experts", some of whom benefit financially from vaccine developments, while at the same time it minimized the real concerns in question as nothing more than unsubstantiated hysteria." Why didn't they show a single physician who agreed with the parents who were against vaccinations?

Frontline purposely pitted pro-vaccine doctors, painted as tireless advocates for children, against anti-vaccine parents who were portrayed as selfish, irrational and paranoid individuals lacking medical knowledge and common sense. The end result was a biased piece of tabloid journalism that only serves to further confuse, frighten and divide those who question vaccines from those who blindly follow medical rhetoric; creating needless controversy rather than an intelligent forum for discussion.

Dr. Buttar remains steadfast in the challenge he made during his unaired interview with Frontline. "Tell the NIH, CDC, FDA or any vaccine manufacturer that I publicly challenge them to select any 20 cases of autism, send them all to an independent university and have that university's independent pediatric neurologists evaluate all 20 children. Let those neurologists identify the 10 most severe cases and I will take them on as patients and treat them using my methods. Let the other 10 cases be treated with whatever conventional "standard of care" treatment they see fit. But it all must be filmed and followed so that the world can determine the truth for itself," says Buttar. "After having treated over a thousand patients in my own clinic, and having tens of thousands of children treated using our methodologies all over the world, I already know what the results will be. The problem is - so do they!"

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Tags: Autism, toxicity, vaccination

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