Does Brain Training Work for ADHD? LearningRx Parents Review Real-Life Changes

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., February 9, 2018 ( - The world’s largest personal brain training company, LearningRx ( has launched to share reviews from parents of children with attention struggles who have gone through a LearningRx one-on-one brain training program.
ADHD and attention struggles are concerns LearningRx deals with quite frequently. In fact, they account for about one-third of their clientele.
We found that most of our students with ADHD, in addition to weak broad attention skills, had weak memory and processing speed skills.
Tanya Mitchell, LearningRx Chief Research and Development Officer
“About 30 percent of our clients were diagnosed with ADHD before coming to us,” says Tanya Mitchell, vice president of research and development for LearningRx. “We found that most of those students, in addition to weak broad attention skills, had weak long-term memory, processing speed and working memory.”
In an ADHD randomized controlled trial, the LearningRx training group listed their top improvements in this order: Academic Performance, Confidence & Self-Esteem, Relationships with Others, Self-Discipline, Sports Performance and Sleep Habits.
According to Mitchell, these clusters of weak cognitive skills can be targeted with personal brain training, which incorporates immediate feedback, intensity and loading, among other features, to train those weak skills.
“Over a six-year period, we had 5,416 children and adults come to LearningRx with the diagnosis of ADHD,” she says. “We measured the cognitive performance of these clients before and after brain training, and the largest gains were seen in IQ, auditory processing, long-term memory and broad attention. After LearningRx brain training, IQ scores improved by an average of 15 standard points and broad attention skills improved an average of 24 percentile points.”
The full results can be found on page 25 of LearningRx’s 48-page 2016 edition of “Client Outcomes and Research Results”:
Parents who are concerned that their child may have a cognitive skills weakness can take a free online survey at
About LearningRx
LearningRx, headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is the largest one-on-one brain training organization in the world. With 80 centers in the U.S. and locations in over 40 countries around the globe, LearningRx has helped more than 100,000 individuals and families sharpen their cognitive skills to help them think faster, learn easier and perform better. Their on-site programs partner every client with a personal brain trainer to keep clients engaged, accountable and on-task - a key advantage over online-only brain exercises. Their pioneering methods have been used in clinical settings for over 35 years and have been verified as beneficial in peer-reviewed research papers and journals. To learn more about LearningRx research results, programs and their 9.6 out of 10 clients satisfaction, visit
Source: LearningRx
Tags: ADHD help, age related memory loss, Best child education franchise, does brain training work, dyslexia, Learning Rx, LearningRx costs of dyslexia, LearningRx reviews, Reading problems