Dog Waste Education Costs UK Authorities £22 Million A Year

Local authorities in the UK are spending £22m per year encouraging us to clear up after our doggies.

With over 8.5 million dogs, it's safe to say that the UK are a nation of dog lovers. Producing over 1,000 tonnes of dog waste per day, the UK dog population can have a huge impact on the environment.

The cost of dog waste and environmental education for dog owners has a huge financial implication too. Local authorities in the UK spend over £22m per year educating and encouraging dog owners to clear up after their pets.

In the UK dog owners can be fined up to £1000 for not clearing up their dog's mess. Not only is clearing up after your dog the right thing to do, it also means you are not at risk of receiving an expensive fine!

We really care about our dogs but their impact on the environment can be significant:

  • 1,000 tonnes of dog waste is produced in the UK every day
  • Toxocariasis roundworm can be spread via infected dog faeces
  • Giardiasis is most commonly caused by drinking water infected with stools containing the Giardia Intestinalis parasites
  • £1,000 is the maximum fine for dog owners failing to tidy dog mess
  • 80 cases of roundworm infection are reported every year by the NHS
  • £22m  spent annually by local authorities on dog waste education

In the UK, we really care about our dogs but their impact on the environment can be telling. Please remember to clear up after your dog if it fouls in public.

This article was originally published by Animed Direct - a UK based online veterinary dispensary and is part of a large and established group of veterinary practices.


Tags: dog waste, environmental health, pets

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