Domestic Energy Producers Alliance Joins Compressed Natural Gas Conversion Debate ~ National Alliance Says Pickens/Reid Plan Will Force Consumers to Pay for Something They May Not Want ~

The Domestic Energy Producers Alliance (DEPA, ) supports the conversion of compressed natural gas (CNG), but believes it is wrong to force American consumers to pay for something that they may not want - especially in a recession.

The Domestic Energy Producers Alliance (DEPA, ) supports the conversion of compressed natural gas (CNG), but believes it is wrong to force American consumers to pay for something that they may not want - especially in a recession. Boone Pickens' Senate Bill 3815 - Promoting Natural Gas and Electric Vehicles Act of 2010, which has the support and backing of Senator Harry Reid, would do just that as consumers would immediately see an increase at the pump in order to pay for this conversion technology.

"We are all for CNG conversion. It's a good technology and has been around for 20 years," says Mike Cantrell, president of the Domestic Energy Producers Alliance. "Where we draw the line is on the proposed method of payment. Didn't Americans just speak in the elections last week? We need to allow the marketplace to decide the next step. This is absolutely not a decision that should be mandated by 'big government.'"

The bill, as proposed, would raise the tax on each barrel of domestic and imported oil from 8 cents to 21 cents in order to fund the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund.

"This is just too much to ask of Americans in the middle of a recession," adds Cantrell. "We absolutely oppose such a large tax increase, which will cost people more money at a really difficult time. There has to be a better way to underwrite the costs of this proposed conversion."

DEPA is an alliance of producers, royalty owners, oilfield service companies, and national and state independent oil and natural gas associations that represent the small business men and women of America's energy industry.

For additional information or to speak with a representative of DEPA, please contact Somerlyn Cothran at [email protected] or 405-424-1699.


Tags: Boone Pickens, CNG, conversion, DEPA, domestic energy producers allian, energy, harry reid, Natural Gas, oil, Senate Bill 3815

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