Domestic Violence Women's Shelter Receives Holiday Donation
Online, December 10, 2009 ( - Women On Guard™ donated pepper spray this Holiday, to Harmony House Domestic Violence Shelter in LaGrange, Georgia.
Pompano Beach, FL, December 9, 2009. Since 2006, Women On Guard™ has been donating pepper spray on a regular basis to women's crisis centers or similar causes around the country. The women owned website, is owned by two women, Susan Eaton and Martha Z. Martinez. Their goal is to empower women with non-lethal, self defense products such as Mace, pepper spray, stun guns, personal alarms and Tasers. Besides self defense products, the website includes safety tips, hotlines, helpful links and a blog.
Harmony House Domestic Violence Shelter was established in October of 2005. Angela Crouch, who works at the women's shelter, informed Women On Guard™ that they provide around the clock residential shelter and safety to domestic violence victims and their children. She mentioned, "We have a capacity to serve up to 14 residents from the local and surrounding areas. Our major objectives include: safety, counseling, legal assistance, limited transportation, childcare, and training opportunities for survivor self-sufficiency. Our services do not stop with just the in house residents. We also provide our services to outreach clients as well." Angela also mentioned that when they move survivors into their own homes, Harmony House provides them with a care package. She mentioned that they would include the pepper spray, donated by, in their next packages.
Susan Eaton informed us that Harmony House Domestic Violence Shelter requested a donation. She mentioned, "We would like to remind people that if they know of a non-profit organization or cause that would benefit from a pepper spray donation, to please let us know and we will contact them directly. We sometimes choose a specific women's crisis center or cause, but other times a person contacts us about an organization that would appreciate our donation."
Women On Guard™ wants to send out a word of caution for the season. Martha Martinez mentioned, "Be extra careful during the Holidays. Many people drink alcohol and potential victims have their guards down during the festivities. For example, keep your eye on your drink at parties and don't trust someone you just met to take you home! If you are leaving your home for the Holidays, make sure you don't leave it in the dark. Make sure that you have a neighbor turn some of your home lights on during the evenings or use a digital timer."
Martha Z. Martinez, Co-Owner
[email protected]
Tags: alcohol, crisis centers, Donation, Harmony House Domestic Violence , Holidays, mace, parties, pepper spray, self defense products, stun gun, taser, Women On Guard,