Donna Karlin Awarded IAMBCP Diplomate Status
Online, March 15, 2011 ( - Donna Karlin of Ottawa, Ontario, has been certified by The International Academy of Behavioural Medicine, Counseling and Psychotherapy (IABMCP) as a Diplomate in Professional Coaching.
Located in Colorado Springs, Colorado with regional offices throughout the world, The Academy is a multi-disciplinary, professional association dedicated to the pursuit and recognition of excellence and advanced clinical competency throughout the world. Whereas most licensing / certification deals with establishing minimum standards for professional practice, the requirements for IAMBCP Diplomate Status are far more extensive. Among the Academy's Diplomates are many of the most prominent practitioners in the world ― individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the areas of behavioral medicine, counseling and psychotherapy.
In addition to being an IAMBCP Diplomate, Ms. Karlin received her certification in Organizational Psychology from The Professional School of Psychology. She is a contributor to IJCO The International Journal of Coaching in Organizations™ and her book, Leaders: Their Stories, Their Words will be released Spring, 2011. Donna Karlin's specialty is Shadow Coaching™. She is founder and principal of The School of Shadow Coaching and works with global organizational, political and government leaders.
Tags: coaching, Executives, leadership