Don't Be A Grinch - Social Tips From To Make The Holidays More Jolly
Online, December 22, 2010 ( -, one of the web's foremost sources of personality, career, and IQ assessments, unveils some interesting results of their popular Social Skills Test. They also provide helpful suggestions on how to deal with some of the less jolly people during Christmas.
The holidays can be a social minefield where one misstep can result in an explosive argument. And while Queendom's data shows that we can all do with a little "social refining," we can generally deal with social situations with relative ease. Statistics from Queendom's Social Skills Test reveal that on average, our social skills are quite decent (mean score of 65 on a scale from 0-100) although women seem to fare better than men in social situations. They are better communicators (score of 66 for women, 62 for men), understand the subtleties of body language better (score of 74 for women, 68 for men), possess better relationship skills (score of 76 for women, 70 for men), are more comfortable socializing (score of 56 for women, 51 for men), and tend to possess better social skills overall (score of 67 for women, 63 for men).
While our family can get on our nerves during the holidays, we need to keep in mind that it usually comes from good intentions. So what can we do to not get swept up in the little tiffs and verbal pokes that our loving families dish out so well?
"Practice putting yourself in other people's shoes", says Dr. Jerabek. "When you try to see the world from someone else's perspective, you begin to understand why they do or say the things they do. Maybe those little hurtful jabs from a loved one are a misguided way of offering you advice - may not be relayed in the best way possible, but they wouldn't do it unless they cared."
Other social tips from Queendom to keep the holidays cheery:
- Think before you speak. Is what you are about to say worth communicating? Does it need to be said at this exact time? Will it be productive? What is the best way to put it? Blurting out the first thing that jumps into your head might result in saying something that, upon reflection, may not have been the right thing to say, and was based on a knee-jerk reaction.
- Don't jump to conclusions or make assumptions. Make sure to hear others out before drawing conclusions about what they are relaying to you. A jab about your outfit doesn't necessarily translate to "You are a total failure as a person." Focus on understanding what the speaker is trying to communicate and shut off your internal judge.
- Remember that communication involves more than what is said. Your gestures, expressions, and tone of voice send just as strong a message (or even stronger) than the words you choose. So when grandma hands you over that hideous sweater she knit and not the new iPhone you were asking for, saying "Thank you" will be worthless if you angrily shove it back in the box and sit in the corner with a pout on your face.
- Don't let conflict cause you to hurt the people you care about. In the heat of the moment, regretful things are often said. If you have a tendency to say things you later wish you hadn't, start dealing with conflicts before they get to the point where you lose control and let loose your emotions.
Those who wish to take the Social Skills Test can go to
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PsychTests AIM Inc. originally appeared on the internet scene in 1997. Since its inception, it has become a pre-eminent provider of psychological assessment products and services to human resource personnel, therapists, academics, researchers and a host of other professionals around the world. PsychTests AIM Inc. staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts. PsychTests AIM Inc. was founded and is led by Dr. Ilona Jerabek, a specialist in the field of psychometric assessments and Vrat Jerabek Ph. D., a researcher and authority in the field of artificial intelligence.
Ilona Jerabek, Ph.D., President
PsychTests AIM Inc.
[email protected]
Tags: Holidays, PsychTests, social skills test