Don't Censor Me! Queendom Releases Results Of Their Self-Monitoring Test

Queendom uncovers interesting data about people's willingness to "watch their mouth.", one of the web's foremost sources of personality, career, and IQ assessments, unveils interesting results of their Self-Monitoring Test. Overall, people are willing to regulate their behavior for the most part, but they don't always make it a point to hold their tongue.

Verbal Diarrhea - it's a tendency that makes you want to cringe. People with this "quirk" carelessly or uncaringly say whatever comes to mind, without thinking of the social consequences. "God gave me a mouth to speak," expressed one low self-monitor. "I should be allowed to say whatever I want." "He also gave you a brain to think things through," replied a high self-monitor.

Low self-monitoring, for those guilty of it, may not always be about being oblivious in social situations. It's about freedom of speech. Low self-monitors may see no reason to hold themselves back or sugar-coat the truth - to say anything other than what they're thinking, and acting in ways that doesn't reflect who they are is not something they like.

"We need to emphasize the point that self-monitoring is not 'faking', or being someone you're not," explains Dr. Jerabek, president of the company. "It's a social skill - it's the ability to read people, use social cues as a reference, and with this information, interact with others in a tactful manner. High self-monitors don't fake, they reflect. They take that extra moment to ask themselves whether their next words or actions are conducive to the situation, or can blow up in their face. Bottom line: self-monitoring is an essential aspect of social interactions."

Queendom's Self-Monitoring Test, with over 1500 test-takers, assessed three factors related to self-monitoring: Willingness/Ability to Alter Behavior, Sensitivity to Social Cues, and Emotional Management. Average scores on these scales were 65, 71, and 62 respectively (on a scale from 0 to 100). Overall, the average self-monitoring score was 67, indicating that people are generally aware of how they behave in social situations, but sometimes take a social misstep. Surprisingly, there were almost no differences between men and women, although the ladies were more sensitive to social cues (score of 72 for women, 69 for men).

The most noticeable factor that influenced the ability to self-monitor was age. Compared to those below the age of 17, older age groups (40+) were more willing to alter their behavior (score of 69 vs. 63), to be sensitive to social cues (score of 74 vs. 65), to manage their emotions (score of 67 vs. 58), and to be higher self-monitors overall (score of 71 vs. 64).

"It sort of flies in the face of the message that teenagers are getting today, to speak their mind and not care what others think of them," points out Dr. Jerabek. "There's nothing wrong with saying what you feel - but there's a right way and a wrong way to get your point across. Older age groups tend to be more tactful. And our data also show that high self-monitors tend to be more popular in their social group, so it's an added incentive for younger age groups to think about the importance of self-monitoring."

Other interesting tidbits from Queendom's Self-Monitoring Test:

- 13% of test-takers admit that they don't think before they speak.
- 15% admitted that they've been asked by others to "be on their best behavior" before going to a social event.
- 16% have been told that they are insensitive.
- 22% have trouble controlling their impulses.
- 35% have trouble getting out of a bad mood.

Self-monitoring takes skill...

- 20% of test-takers said that they can easily make it seem like they are having a good time at a social event even when they are not.
- 24% can appear calm even if they don't feel that way.
- 26% are able to be civil to someone whom they don't like.

Those who wish to take the Self-Monitoring Test can go to

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About PsychTests AIM Inc:
PsychTests AIM Inc. originally appeared on the internet scene in 1997. Since its inception, it has become a pre-eminent provider of psychological assessment products and services to human resource personnel, therapists, academics, researchers and a host of other professionals around the world. PsychTests AIM Inc. staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts. PsychTests AIM Inc. was founded and is led by Dr. Ilona Jerabek, a specialist in the field of psychometric assessments and Vrat Jerabek Ph. D., a researcher and authority in the field of artificial intelligence.

Ilona Jerabek, Ph.D., President
PsychTests AIM Inc.
[email protected]


Tags: psychological assessment, Queendom, self-monitoring test

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