Don't Let Confidential Waste Cost You Money
Online, September 11, 2013 ( - Many companies have confidential waste and some are guilty of leaving it to one side for an annual clear out.
However, Tom Gilruth from Topwoodltd argues this is not good practice.
Fires can occur and data destroyed, documents can get mislaid or disgruntled staff could make things difficult to find much needed data.
Mr Gilruth says he can understand why people leave it, cut backs and tough business decisions mean something's have to go. However, this is not the best solution for business he argues.
1. The longer you store confidential waste, which can be old employee records, invoices, plans and financial records there is an increased risk of a data breach. This confidential material needs to be kept safe. If you do suffer a data breach, then your business or organisation could be fined up to £500,000.
2. Storing confidential data on site will not only use up valuable and costly floor space, it could also cause a potential trip or fire hazard. Poorly stacked archive boxes, bags of waste paper and piles of documents could easily become a Health & Safety risk for visitors and employees.
3. Many businesses use paper shredders to get rid of their confidential material no longer needed. However, the costs soon mount up and the Do It Yourself attitude could end up costing you more. It is estimated that using a shredder costs an estimated £9 per month for EVERY employee on site. However, an approved and accredited shredding provider can offer the service for less and without the hassle of doing it yourselves.
Topwoodltd even has a mobile shredding unit which can be taken to companies and confidential material shredded there and then. The secure storage and shredding company based in Malpas¸Cheshire provides comprehensive records management services to businesses across the North West, West Midlands and North Wales.
The shredded paper is put into bales and sold to Shotton Paper in Flintshire for newsprint.
Tags: archiving, confidential shredding, document scanning, Document Storage, Hard Drive Destruction, secure storage, Topwood Ltd