DormCo Launches College-Ave Site, Allowing For Customizable College Shopping For Schools And Universities, a leading online retailer for college supplies, recently launched,, a white-label site that allows colleges and universities to create their own customized college supplies shopping site targeted to their students.

Due to its success as an online retailer of college supplies, recently launched College-Ave as a means for colleges and universities to create customizable college shopping sites which directly target their students. The site allows for individual schools to essentially brand their site and target their student body directly. With the included school's logo and images of its campus, any school's College-Ave site will feel familiar to that school's student body.

Thus far, schools such as the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, North Idaho College, and Clarke University have joined as partners with College-Ave. Students from these schools will have a place to shop for their needed dorm supplies, and will be able to do so on a site that directly caters to their school. While College-Ave's operations and products are under control of DormCo, shopping on a customized College-Ave site allows students of a particular school to better relate with the source of their college supplies. Even though students might recognize that they're not buying supplies directly from their schools, they'll be buying from a site that's endorsed by their school, as opposed to a general retailer such as

By relating each College-Ave site to a particular school's student body, shopping for college will become a more personable experience as students can shop with greater confidence. Each College-Ave site is fully customizable, as schools can emphasize the need for certain products, or can restrict certain product listings, for example. Since every new college student will have some college shopping to do, DormCo believes students will prefer to buy from a source that's directly connected and related to their school.

The schools who implement College-Ave as a means of college shopping for their students will not have to be involved with the processes of online shopping. Essentially, all the order processing, shipping, and service will be handled by DormCo. It's also free for schools to join, as the extent of work and involvement from the school's standpoint is minimal. College-Ave sites will also feature the same selection of products as found on DormCo, meaning students will have more than 4,500 supplies from which to choose.

While College-Ave remains a new endeavor for DormCo, DormCo believes it will remain a popular platform for schools and expects to see significant growth and success during the 2014 summer college shopping season. For any inquiries and questions, please contact DormCo at [email protected] or at 888 925 2899 x 4.


Tags: college shopping, dorm shopping, Dorm Supplies

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