Dornier in Oberpfaffenhofen - the Seastar Is Back
Oberpfaffenhofen, Bavaria, April 12, 2016 ( - Aircraft manufacturer Dornier, one of the great names in aviation history, is returning to Oberpfaffenhofen, famous around the world as the cradle of German aerospace. As announced recently at the Singapore Airshow, work has begun in the airport hangars on a completely new version of the legendary amphibious aircraft Seastar. Dornier Seawings GmbH has rented its office space for the new project in the asto Park. The Managing Director of asto Business Group, Dr. Bernd Schulte-Middelich, is delighted: „With the arrival of Dornier, we now have three aircraft manufacturers in Oberpfaffenhofen: RUAG with the Do 228 New Generation, the Sierra Nevada Group with the Do 328 and now Dornier with the Seastar.“
Located right at the entrance to Oberpfaffenhofen Airport, the asto Park is conveniently close to the production facilities for the new Seastar. With the asto Park, asto Group aims to bridge the gap between the past and present by bringing new enterprises to a place that is rich in aviation history – so much so that in former times it was known as „Dornier country“. The arrival of Dornier Seawings and the resumption of manufacturing in Oberpfaffenhofen for the Seastar is impressive proof that asto Group“s strategy is working. Dornier Seawings certainly has an ambitious timetable. The first new-type Seastar has already been sold and is due to ship in the first quarter of 2017.
With the arrival of Dornier, we now have three aircraft manufacturers in Oberpfaffenhofen: RUAG with the Do 228 New Generation, the Sierra Nevada Group with the Do 328 and now Dornier with the Seastar.
Dr. Bernd Schulte-Middelich, Managing Director
It is almost 30 years since Claudius Dornier developed the first Seastar prototype. Over the years to 2002, Oberpfaffenhofen was also the scene of many other spectacular rollouts, such as the famous VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) aircraft. Today the location is again the workplace of over 6,500 people, chiefly in aerospace, satellite navigation, automotive and IT.
Tags: aerospace, aircraft, amphibious, asto, aviation, cluster, dornier, germany, manufacturer, munich, real estate, technology