Douglas Vermeeren, the Speaking Business Multiplier Rated Most Comprehensive Training for Speakers

Get the edge in one of the most competitive industries in the world

Douglas Vermeeren - The Speaking Business Multiplier

Public or professional speaking, coaching, training and leading seminars has become one of the fastest growing professions in the last decade. It is estimated that the personal development industry has grown by nearly 1000% as to the people participating as audience members whereas the number of people who are presenting to that audience has experienced nearly 4 times that growth. Along with the explosive growth experienced in this industry in the last decade, there has developed a natural competition for individuals looking to create careers in this industry. 

A recent survey indicated that one in every four hundred and fifty people trying to build a business as a professional speaker are able to do this full time. The balance of those individuals are pursuing this career path as a part time job, hobby or volunteer. Naturally most of them want to move their passion into profit and create a sustainable long term business.

"When a speaker develops both their speaking skills and their business they can make a big difference to larger audiences and influence more people."

Douglas Vermeeren

As a desire to shift to more profitable speaking business has evolved a variety of speaker trainers or speaking business coaches have appeared on the scene. One has risen through the ranks to take the lead. Douglas Vermeeren is the Speaking Business Multiplier. 

Douglas Vermeeren is best known for his award-winning personal development films The Opus, The Gratitude Experiment and The Treasure Map. Vermeeren’s films have cemented him as one of the top leaders in the industry demonstrating a clear knowledge of how to joint-venture with other top leaders in the business, attain international distribution for products and leverage this activity to build a 7 figure speaking business in a very short time.

Douglas Vermeeren’s career has also positioned him as a favourite of the media. He regularly appears on most of the major networks sharing his insights for speakers who would like to build more profitable speaking businesses.

While his biography is very impressive Vermeeren believes that all speakers, coaches and trainers can create the same results in their own speaking career. “The problem with most people entering into the speaking business is that they focus mostly on the speaking and they don’t understand how to build the business component.” Vermeeren states. “When a speaker develops both their speaking skills and their business they can make a big difference to larger audiences and influence more people.”

With the goal of most speakers being to build their business Vermeeren has developed programs and materials calculated to help speakers succeed in todays marketplace. While there are others training in the marketplace today training about speaking skills there are very few who are actually teaching how to use those skills to build a profitable speaking business.

Douglas Vermeeren, who is affectionately referred to by his students as “The Speaking Business Multiplier,” has developed the most effective and comprehensive speaker training tools in the marketplace today. One of the reasons he gives for his success is that he is completely focused on speaker support and speaker services whereas many of the trainers today often have side specialities.

When asked about what the core areas that a speaker should focus on to grow a successful speaking business Douglas Vermeeren did not hesitate to share the list of 12 modules he requires each of his students to pursue. The core areas are as follows:

1 Prepare the most powerful content

2 Tap into the best business models

3 Create the perfect sales funnels

4 Offer the perfect products & Workshops

5 Finding profitable speaking gigs (And more of them)

6 Successfully Joint Venture with other speakers

7 Sell more from the stage & do it the easy way

8 Build a predictable preview session

9 Create strong brand loyalty

10 Position yourself as the expert

11Leverage Social Media to grow your business 

12 Attract media to Celebritize your Business

“These core areas,” States Vermeeren, “are essential to creating a sustainable success and visibility in the professional speaking and training world today.” Vermeeren is quick to point out that the journey to success begins with having powerful content. 

“Most speakers don’t invest enough time in making their content powerful and relevant.” Douglas Vermeeren, The Speaking Business Multiplier shares the secret, “Someone who is serious about developing their speaking business needs to be constantly immersed in their content matter seeking out unique and memorable ways to present and connect with their audience in a way that empowers them.”

Vermeeren is also quick to point out that the speaking business is not just about showing up to speak anymore. It has evolved into an ongoing relationship between audiences and speakers that carries over into social media on a daily basis.

Vermeeren’s list of students is impressive and includes celebrities like Louie Anderson, professional athletes like Olympic silver medalist Jason Parker and others. Vermeeren is quick to point out however that the principles and systems he shares will help anyone achieve greater success in their speaking business.

“As a speaker learns how to tap into the speaker success formula and systems of this program,” Vermeeren demonstrates, “They are able to create greater success on many levels.” Douglas Vermeeren revealed the areas that speakers begin to see an impact on include greater influence, increased income, more opportunity, more impressive reputation and credibility in the marketplace. These are all things that contribute to your ability to speak to larger and larger audiences.

Douglas Vermeeren conducts seminars around the globe where he unfolds the secrets and systems he has used to create his own 7 figure speaking business. Later this year a book called, “Secrets of a Highly Profitable Speaking Business.” will also be released through iuniverse and available through bookstores everywhere.

While there are many speaker trainers and coaches out there today most of the leading personal development magazines, programs and blogs are recognizing Douglas Vermeeren and his programs as the most comprehensive and effective routes for speakers today. Most are considering his to be the top speaker training in the business today.

To find out more about Douglas Vermeeren and how his programs can help grow your speaking business  go to 

Source: The Speaking Business Multiplier


Tags: Doug vermeeren, Douglas Vermeeren, speaking business, Speaking Business Multiplier

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About The Speaking Business Multiplier

The Speaking Business Multiplier trains speakers, coaches and trainers to create highly profitable and influential speaking businesses.