Dr. Anand Lalaji of Inside Injuries Promotes Brain Injury Awareness This March

Atlanta Radiologist Promotes Brain Injury Awareness Month Via Inside Injuries

Dr. Anand Lalaji, founder and creator of Inside Injuries, demonstrates his support during Brain Injury Awareness Month by highlighting star athletes and celebrities who suffered from traumatic head injuries.

Inside Injuries, a popular injury blog, uses state-of-the-art imaging technology to provide readers with a visual representation of injuries sustained by famous sports stars and celebrities. Dr. Lalaji uses medical scans to educate readers about different types of injuries, including traumatic brain injuries and concussions.

The Brain Injury Association of America aims to increase prevention, treatment, research, and knowledge of brain trauma, as well as improve and enhance the lives of those currently suffering. Dr. Lalaji furthers BIAA's mission to increasing knowledge through medically informative blog posts on Inside Injuries.

One of Dr. Lalaji's featured athletes is seven-time Formula 1 racing champion, Michael Schumacher, who developed a brain hemorrhage after a ski accident in 2013. Dr. Lalaji used scans of similar brain hemorrhages to educate readers about the medical outlook for traumatic brain injuries.

Oftentimes patients suffering from brain injuries have difficulty accepting the limitations accompanied by their injury, and never fully recover. Inside Injuries and the Brain Injury Association of American work to provide preventative information about the serious implications of sustaining a head injury.

"I've found that the fear of the unknown is what scares people the most," said Dr. Lalaji. "If I can help raise health awareness through imaging and Inside Injuries, I think that I will have made a great difference in today's medical landscape."

Inside Injuries not only works to promote information about specific athletes' head injuries, such as George Hill of the Indiana Pacers, but also focuses on the impact of head injuries on professional sports, as shown by the recent NFL settlement.

As we enter into Brain Injury Awareness Month, Dr. Lalaji is hopeful that his visual imaging technology will provide more extensive and improved injury information for anyone willing to learn.

About Dr. Anand Lalaji

Dr. Anand Lalaji is a board certified radiologist who specializes in orthopedic and sports imaging. Dr. Lalaji is the founder and Chief Medical Officer of The Radiology Group, a full-service radiology company with an on-site facility that specializes in health care imaging. Dr. Lalaji developed an innovative healthcare imaging system, called the logistical, six sigma type of process chain interpretation, which has helped produce quality images for patients in 20 states. He now continues working with his newest creation, Inside Injuries. To learn more about Inside Injuries or Dr. Anand Lalaji, visit InsideInjuries.com.


Tags: brain injury, head injury, injuries

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Julie Kirkland
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