Dr. Anita Kelly Says, "Avoiding Lies Can Improve Your Health." Dr. Brad Blanton Says, "Duh!"

Dr. Brad Blanton, founder of Radical Honesty responds to a recent study out of the University of Notre Dame documenting a link between honesty and physical well-being.

A University of Notre Dame study presented at the 2012 annual conference of the American Psychology Association documented a significant link between honesty and health. Participants who told three fewer lies per week experienced improved psychological and physical health.

Brad Blanton Ph.D., a psychologist and author of the best-selling book, Radical Honesty, said that during his 25 years practicing psychotherapy in Washington, D.C., which he calls the capitol of lies, he found that the best way to reduce stress, make life work, and heal the past is to tell the truth.

The recent Notre Dame study told participants in the truth-telling group that they could not say anything that they would know to be false, however they were allowed to omit truths, refuse to answer questions, and keep secrets. Blanton believes that being honest goes beyond not telling blatant lies. He says that omitting information, not answering questions and keeping secrets are also forms of lying, all in an attempt to manipulate those around us to see us in the best light. As Blanton says, "The conventional way to suffer through life is to build a case for ourselves." Blanton believes all lying negatively impacts human health and that practicing radical honesty allows people to live, love, laugh and be happy, even though it will ruin life as they have known it.

Dr. Blanton says that "We all lie like hell. It wears us out. It is the major source of all human stress.
Lying kills people. The kind of lying that is most deadly is withholding, or keeping back information from someone we think would be affected by it. Psychological healing is possible only with the freedom that comes from not hiding anymore. Keeping secrets and hiding from other people is a trap."

According to Blanton, being overweight, uptight, a heavy smoker, a heavy drinker or a non-exerciser are the direct result of remaining enmeshed in the mind and trapped in lies. Escape from the trap of lies is through learning and improving through constant practice - just like learning to play golf or tennis - the ability to tell the truth.

Visit www.RadicalHonesty.com for more information about the practice of Radical Honesty.


Tags: Health, honesty, research

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