Dr. Ann J. Polya Releases Her New Book "Invincible Summer"

Let's reinvent our lives--celebrities do! All we need is speed, a sense of belonging, and appreciation. This allows us to communicate and relate well with all so we can experience an "Invincible Summer."
Invincible Summer

“I was intrigued by the fact tensions and conflict can exist amongst those who grow up together,  and so after some research I identified three core values that, if respected, allow us greater acceptance and tolerance which facilitates better communication and relationships,” says author Dr. Ann J. Polya.

In her new book, “Invincible Summer," Dr. Polya outlines these three core values and provides guidance on how to attain them, irrespective of generation, by using our innate powers of thinking and feeling.

Let's reinvent our lives--celebrities do! All we need is speed, a sense of belonging, and appreciation. This allows to communicate and relate well with all so we can experience an "Invincible Summer."

Ann J. Polya, Ph.D., Author of "Invincible Summer"

The core values are to act in a timely way, to have a sense of belonging, and to attain appropriate appreciation and recognition. In this way, not only do we meet daily challenges but we all can improve our communication and effective relationships.

We all possess inner strengths, and we can boost mental swiftness by speeding up brains in order to think faster, remember more and make decisions more easily.

Additionally, we gain greater control over our emotions. As we do this, we are able to communicate more effectively, and revitalize our perspectives so that they attain more self-appreciation and recognition by others.

In this way we can experience what Albert Camus describes as an “Invincible Summer."

About the Author

Ann J. Polya, Ph.D., is an accredited psychotherapist, executive coach, author and public speaker. She has worked in the private and non-profit sectors, has widely traveled and currently lives in Florida.

 “Invincible Summer” is her third book, which builds on her previous books:  “Brain Fitness” and “Mind over Matter.” More information is available at http://annpolya.com/.


For More Information on “Invincible Summer” by Ann J. Polya, Ph.D.

Hardcover – ISBN- 9781504354318

Softcover -    ISBN- 9781504354295

E-Book-         ISBN- 9781504354301

Available at www.Amazon.comwww.BarnesandNoble.com and www.balboapress.com

Source: Ann J. Polya, Ph.D.


Tags: Belonging, Control of emotions, Invincible Summer, Recognition, Sharp minds, Speed

About Dr. Ann J Polya

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Strategic advice on emotional balance and boosting individual competitivity and ability to tackle crises.

Dr. Ann J Polya
396 River Edge Rd
Jupiter, FL 33477
United States