Dr.David M. McGrew Named To Key Advisory Boards For National Organization

David M. McGrew, a leader in hospice care in Florida, has been named to two key posts on advisory boards for AmeriCare Today (ACT). ACT is a non-political grass roots movement with a solution to financial issues facing the future of Social Security.

SPRING HILL, FL - APRIL 26, 2010 - David M. McGrew, M.D., who serves as president of Hospice and Palliative Physician Services, LLC, and as medical director of Hernando-Pasco Hospice, has been appointed chair of the Hernando County Original District Founder (ODF) board for AmeriCare Today (also known as ACT) -- a non-political grass roots movement, promoting a comprehensive, community based solution addressing the financial issues surrounding the future of Social Security in America. Dr. McGrew was also named to ACT's national advisory board, in an announcement by AmeriCare Today CEO Jim Gries.

Dr. McGrew began his medical career in general private practice at the Spring Hill Medical Clinic in 1983. While in practice he gained board certification from the American Academy of Pain Management. He has been the Medical Director for Hernando Pasco Hospice since 1985. In 1995, he closed his half time practice to become a full time hospice physician. In 1998, he was board certified by the American Board of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Fittingly, today most of his medical work is focused on palliative care.

The Original District Founder (ODF) board, which Dr. McGrew will spearhead in Hernando County, Florida, is the first of numerous such boards that will be established on a local level in each state across the country. The purpose of these ODF boards will be to provide Main Street oversight of government's daily affairs, to ensure accountability for their actions on behalf of taxpayers. Each state will have three levels of ODF boards: one representing the county and/or parish; one for each Congressional District; and one state level.

A limited number of members has been established for each of these boards, but the "makeup" of these boards require few qualifications. In essence, these boards will feature persons from all socio-economic-ethnic-cultural backgrounds in keeping with America's diverse population. A similar diverse group of 30 people will comprise ACT's national advisory board, which Dr. McGrew as noted will be serving on, charged with helping to provide guidance to the organization's management based on the members' perspectives.

"Obviously, we are very pleased to have someone of Dr. McGrew's caliber serving on these two boards," stated Gries. "He brings to ACT the kind of leadership, professional experience and caring nature for his fellow citizens that will be wonderful assets as we move forward to developing these boards."

For more information on AmeriCare Today please visit: www.americaretoday.com.


Tags: AmeriCare Today, florida, Hernando County, Hernando Pasco Hospice, social security


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