Dr. Dusan Sajic Shares Skin Care Tips on #Trending With Aleia Ally on Rogers TV 20

Dr. Sajic of deRMA Skin Institute describes current trends in skin care and cosmetic dermatology.
Dr. Sajic on #Trending

Dermatologist Dr. Dusan Sajic is a guest on #Trending with Aleia Ally on Rogers TV, Channel 20, airing January 28 at 7:00 p.m. and running on the show for two weeks. In this episode, Dr. Sajic, medical and cosmetic dermatologist at deRMA Skin Institute in Guelph, shares skin care tips for the COVID- 19 era and beyond.

The pandemic has inspired new phrases that have become part of everyday conversation: "social distancing", "curbside pickup," "lockdown" and now "maskne," a name to describe how the frequent wearing of masks affects the skin and complexion. "The moist, enclosed environment created by a face mask can trap dirt, oils and makeup leading to 'maskne', or  mask-induced acne," says Dr. Sajic. "Patients can avoid this problem by washing or changing masks often and avoiding heavy makeup."

"Zoom Face" is a phrase that has become popular as personal meetings are replaced with remote video conversations. People constantly see themselves on computer screens and notice imperfections," says Dr. Sajic. "Patients are telling me that they are doing all these Zoom meetings. They see themselves in the camera and they think they look terrible. Also, many people set up their computers in a way that forces them to look down at the camera, which can accentuate a double chin or other imperfections. I tell my patients that it may be the lighting or the quality of their phone cameras, but sometimes they do have valid concerns." 

Dr. Sajic also addresses the rare cases of patients who have had facial filler injections having adverse reactions after their COVID-19 vaccination. Severe swelling in the areas where the fillers were placed was reported. "So far there have been just a handful of these cases," says Dr. Sajic. "The swelling can be treated quickly, so patients should contact their doctor immediately if they have a reaction."

Dr. Sajic shows Aleia how to protect skin from blue light emitted by computer and phone screens. "Always use blue light blocking filters," says Dr. Sajic.

To schedule a consultation visit dermaskininstitute.com or email to: [email protected]  • 519-836-8558.
deRMA Skin Institute, Guelph • Instagram: @dermaskin_institute

Source: deRMA Skin Institute


Tags: acne treatment, anti-aging, blue light, Botox Guelph, deRMA Skin Institute, dermatologist Guelph, Dr. Dusan Sajic, maskne, skin care, skin rejuvenation, Trending with Aleia Ally, Zoom Face

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deRMA Skin Institute is committed to helping you look and feel your personal best by providing the highest level of care for your medical and cosmetic concerns. Trust your skin with a Board Certified Dermatologist from deRMA Skin Institute.

deRMA Skin Institute
33 Farley Drive, Unit #8
Guelph, ON N1L0B7