Dr. Jamie Turndorf To Reveal 5 Secrets For Long Distance Relationships On HLN Weekend Express

Dr. Jamie Turndorf (aka Dr.Love) will be appearing on HLN's Weekend Express to explain how to maintain long distance relationships and reveal the underlying reasons why they're prone to failure.

According to Dr. Jamie Turndorf, what makes long distance relationships difficult to keep is that physical absence is a lens that magnifies and distorts feelings: when a partner is out of sight, the mind becomes a blank screen onto people project horror movies that are in fact sequels to their past traumas. This causes them to brace for lightning to strike twice. So, for example, people who were cast off in a past relationship will be casting themselves as the star of the movie Castaway part two--meaning, they'll be expecting yet another abandonment.

ON HLN's Weekend Express, Dr. Turndorf will show how to shred the blank screen and turn your mental horror movies into a happy ending love story using 5 simple steps, which include:

1) Daily Maintenance

2) Be Transparent

3) Avoid Texting No -No's

4) Have Long Distance Dates

5) Make Love From Afar

Tune in to HLN on Sunday, April 28th, at 10 AM EST for Dr. Turndorf's complete 5 Step Guide To Long Distance Relationships!

Dr. Jamie Turndorf is a popular relationship expert, author, and radio show host known to millions around the world as the creator of AskDrLove.com, the Web's first free relationship advice site since 1996. AskDrLove.com now offers thousands of advice articles on every imaginable love, relationship, marriage, or dating advice question.

Hosted on TalkZone.com every Tuesday at 1pm EST, Ask Dr. Love is a live one hour Internet radio talk show focusing on love and relationships. Listeners can also call-in to the show and ask Dr. Turndorf for advice on any of their personal issues and get heartfelt yet professional advice. All shows are available on TalkZone.com, BlogTalkradio.com, AskDrLove.com, YouTube, and iTunes. Follow Dr. Turndorf on Facebook and on Twitter @askdrlove.


Tags: 5 step guide, advice, ask dr love, Dating, dr jamie turndorf, help, how to maintain, long distance relationship, love affair, relationship advice, romance, Tips

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