Dr. Jeffrey Yager Shares Guidelines on Plastic Surgery During COVID-19 Pandemic

NEW YORK, March 21, 2020 (Newswire.com) - Thursday evening, Dr. Jeffrey Yager, as well as all members of The American Society of Plastic Surgery, received that society’s statement to all members stating that “All elective surgeries, non-essential medical, surgical and dental procedures be delayed during the COVID-19 outbreak, the ASPS recommends that all plastic surgeons cease providing any elective or non-essential services.”
Similarly, New York and the CMS have ordered that all hospitals, Ambulatory Surgery Centers and Office based practices should cease non-essential and elective procedures by 4 pm today. This refers to any doctor visit, routine check-up or follow-up as well. Any surgery that can wait a few weeks or months should be postponed so that all resources can be concentrated on the crisis at hand.
While Yager Esthetics, like many other cosmetic plastic surgery practices, feel that they do not have high-risk patients and can maintain social distancing, and have exceptional cleaning protocols, they must stop as well. Disposable supplies, masks, gloves, and respiratory equipment are going to be in short supply, and should not be used for things that are not lifesaving. Even in low risk and healthy patients, if a complication occurs they will take up much-needed hospital or even ICU beds. The majority of COVID-19 cases are transmitted by a person showing no symptoms.
In addition, Governor Cuomo’s “Shelter in Place” decree for the next 15 days means no one can leave their homes except for food and medicine pickups or those providing essential care to others. Cosmetic surgery does not meet those criteria.
Dr. Jeffrey Yager, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and founder of Yager Esthetics in New York City, has put public health and safety ahead of financial considerations and postponed all surgeries and treatments for at least 2 weeks. “I opened my plastic surgery practice in Washington Heights 23 years ago to serve the Hispanic community with care and cosmetic surgery of the highest quality. Far too often, less honest doctors would prey upon the patient who didn’t speak English well. That is why being a Spanish speaking plastic surgeon led me to open my office in this community. To not follow these guidelines would be the opposite of my practice philosophy and my oath as a physician.”
He also warns that some practices will defy these guidelines and continue to offer cosmetic surgery. This is in their best interests financially, not yours or the communities health-wise. It should be a red flag to avoid that doctor.
Dr. Yager will continue to see all patients that are essential to be seen, and has modified his practice to offer Virtual Consults and follow-ups using secure online video technology. He has offered his Accredited Surgery Center to New York Presbyterian-Columbia as a resource to handle emergency plastic surgery issues and to perform procedures that the hospital may not have the resources for at this time.
“This is a crisis we have not seen in over 100 years. Just like the restaurants, hair salons, music venues, and other public businesses are feeling an economic strain, we all must do our part. My practice and patients are the most important considerations, and I will always place them above my personal financial interests,” says Dr. Yager. Words to remember for all of us.
Tanya Castro-CEO
Yager Esthetics | Estetica
551.404.2155 tel
[email protected] email
Source: Yager Esthetics
Tags: cosmetic surgery, COVID-19, elective surgery, Essential, hispanic, New York City, Shelter In Place