Dr. Ned Hallowell, Leading ADHD Expert, Endorses the SOAR Study Skills Program

Dr. Ned Hallowell, leading ADHD expert and best-selling author of Driven to Distraction, has recently announced his endorsement of the SOAR® Study Skills program.

Dr. Ned Hallowell, leading ADHD expert and best-selling author of Driven to Distraction, has recently announced his endorsement of the SOAR® Study Skills program.

Dr. Ned is quoted as saying,

"Susan Kruger is an absolute genius. She's made getting organized simple, which is the only way kids will stick with it, and she's made it fun, which is a minor miracle. She's tremendously innovative, creative, and wise. I can't wait for the world to discover this amazing woman and all she has to offer!"

Susan Kruger is a former struggling student who found success in college after learning study skills. Since that time, she has made it her mission to share the power of study skills with elementary, middle, and high school students around the country through her award-winning SOAR® Study Skills program.

Susan's book, SOAR® Study Skills, is the best-selling study skills book in the world, and has been since 2005. Her study skills curriculum is used in over 1,000 schools around the country.

But, she didn't learn that she has ADHD until after she had been teaching study skills for 17 years! Her diagnosis came while she was desperately trying to get proper support for her son Mark, who has ADHD and dyslexia.

Her diagnosis shook the ground under her feet because she had always thought that learning study skills in college "fixed her stupid." Despite her success in college, she was frustrated that she couldn't figure out how to use more of the strategies that she learned. The shortcuts she was taking as she pared down the study skills she was taught into those that she could actually make use of use made her feel like she was "cheating."

Now she understand that study skills helped her navigate around her ADHD...and that ADHD was like a savant gift for simplicity! She didn't understand it at the time, but now that she understand the biology of ADHD, she know why simplicity is so essential.

For more information on how the SOAR® Study Skills program meets the needs of students with ADHD and their families, visit http://studyskills.com/adhd/.


Tags: ADHD, parenting, study skills

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Press Contact, SOAR Leaning Inc.
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2640 Canoe Circle Parkway #225
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